12-31-2005, 01:17 PM
Hello my in game is Khalad. I've been hearing great things about The Purge from Mondor a close personal friend of mine for about 5 (probably more) years. I have played many MMORPG's over the years. Starting out with UO (where I met Mondor). After UO I went to EQ, played for about a year while in college, then moved back over to UO. From UO (played for another 2 years) I went to DAOC, back to EQ (for a year or more). After a gap of time in which I didn't play any MMORPG's becuase of school, I was finally convinced to try WoW from my old guild leader from UO and Mondor was already playing
I decided to give it a try and did the 10 day free pass. I enjoyed it and I have since gone out and bought the game!
I have already grouped with some members of the guild, including Mondor (of course), Katalyste 59 priest (2 bubbles away from 60!!!!), and Mazithra the mage! I have met these people (thanks to mondor), I feel we clicked together very well. I enjoyed their humor and the seriousiness when it was needed. I've also liked pumping out some quests with them!!!
If there are any other questions please feel free to message me in game!

I have already grouped with some members of the guild, including Mondor (of course), Katalyste 59 priest (2 bubbles away from 60!!!!), and Mazithra the mage! I have met these people (thanks to mondor), I feel we clicked together very well. I enjoyed their humor and the seriousiness when it was needed. I've also liked pumping out some quests with them!!!
If there are any other questions please feel free to message me in game!