01-02-2006, 08:21 PM
Well, hello to everyone reading this
. I have heard many good things about "The Purge".What comes to my attention, when I think about you guys is your mostly PvP and have a been playing Online games like this for a while. I have also heard from a great deal of people that this guild has very nice active members and I think that is great. Well anyway onto my class, I have a few alts including a 60 hunter on Icecrown, so I know how to play. I am good with a rogue I would say and others agree, because I know my aggro range and I know how to keep damage at a point where I'm helping the group but not draining the healer's mana. Well I look forward to you guys reading this and giving me a tell in game or here.
Thanks: Fantom.

Thanks: Fantom.