Apparently Nvidia is dropping a New card in a couple weeks! comments?
Thoughts on the 3070.. and up line?
Apparently Nvidia is dropping a New card in a couple weeks! comments?
09-02-2020, 07:14 PM
with an MSRP of $499, it's a steal, but my understanding is it only has 10 gig of memory, which could conceivably be a chokepoint. Even so though, it blows the 2k cards out of the water. I'd consider it if I had a 144hz monitor, but i've got to do the monitor upgrade first.
Burnt to a crisp.
09-03-2020, 12:36 AM
Your brain isn't able to really process signals past 60 hz and your eye can't see resolutions at 4k unless your face is literally pressed right against the device. You can completely forget about any resolutions above 4k. You will not be able to tell the difference with them. So at those rates/resolutions you are just doing things for e-peen rather than any visibly noticeable results.
HE'S QUICK, HE'S STRONG, HE'S ACTIVE! You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco! HE CAN BOWL, HE CAN DRINK, HE CAN DRINK SOME MORE, ALA-BA-MA-MAN! When wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button and Alabama Man busts her lip open! "Shut up, Bitch!" "Wow!" BEATS HIS WIFE AND SLEEPS IT OFF, A-LA-BA-MA MAN!
09-03-2020, 12:55 AM
Hmmm, interesting. I've seen tons of anecdotal evidence by gamers that swear up and down that 144hz is night and day over 60hz. I haven't ever seen 144hz so i can't personally say, but people seem to rave over 144hz.
Burnt to a crisp.
It is like people raving over gold plated audio cables. You will not be able to hear the difference. Some people might be able to but that number is far less than the number of people that actually make claims to be able to tell the difference. Just like some people are tetrachromats where as the vast majority of humans are trichromats.
There is a limit to what the brain and the eye are able to process. A better video card will allow games to run smoother and a bigger monitor that has more color depth will allow you to see things easier. I'm guessing that that is what they are actually talking about rather than the refresh rate. Or the monitor/video card/other things may have other effects to smooth out the transitions between each frame to reduce perceived motion blur. Motion blur is caused primarily by your brain interpreting the images rather than by the images themselves. Brains are lazy and take lots of short cuts. Also they don't want to seem like idiots for shelling out hundreds of dollars on something that doesn't really provide them with much benefit. That and/or they may be getting a sponsorship/free product to promote the item.
HE'S QUICK, HE'S STRONG, HE'S ACTIVE! You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco! HE CAN BOWL, HE CAN DRINK, HE CAN DRINK SOME MORE, ALA-BA-MA-MAN! When wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button and Alabama Man busts her lip open! "Shut up, Bitch!" "Wow!" BEATS HIS WIFE AND SLEEPS IT OFF, A-LA-BA-MA MAN!
09-03-2020, 02:06 PM
I do tend to disbelieve the 144MHz hype too. Would be interesting to do a blind comparison and see if someone can tell which is which. I can definitely feel it when FPS drops under about 20 but I don't think I can tell any difference as my FPS counter flicks between 40 and 60.
That said, maybe it's important for VR. When the "monitor" is your entire visual frame, I understand FPS differences can become a big deal. Zouji Wrote:It is like people raving over gold plated audio cables. You will not be able to hear the difference. I can't speak for everything but I know for a fact they make a huge difference for musical instruments. i.e. guitar or keyboard chords. They do change how you record. The problem with them however was they were never worth the cost to use them for live performances. The ambient noise gets cancelled out by drunks. They made such a big difference in recording however that some people have stopped using them for a retro sound. i.e., I guess some people miss the hissing sound of a needle touching an LP.
09-03-2020, 03:09 PM
(09-03-2020, 02:11 PM)Vllad Wrote:Vllad do you play? I have a 1930s Stella Gambler for Sale thing is nearly mint for being nearly 100 year old guitar.Zouji Wrote:It is like people raving over gold plated audio cables. You will not be able to hear the difference.
Not anymore. I still have some of my old rigs though. I still have my first Fender silver face twin reverb amp I got in 1971.
09-03-2020, 06:58 PM
I was speaking about home audio setups/speaker cables. Things that are not plugged into an amplifier and setups that are not for audio technicians in a studio.
You won't be able to tell the difference with speakers and unamplified sound. You can use a HDMI or S/PDIF cable and you won't have to worry about signal interference/degradation. Again this is for unamplified sound for people that don't have magic ears. In a HDMI or S/PDIF cable the gold plating shit matters even less. The signal is digital not analog. It either transmits or it doesn't.
HE'S QUICK, HE'S STRONG, HE'S ACTIVE! You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco! HE CAN BOWL, HE CAN DRINK, HE CAN DRINK SOME MORE, ALA-BA-MA-MAN! When wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button and Alabama Man busts her lip open! "Shut up, Bitch!" "Wow!" BEATS HIS WIFE AND SLEEPS IT OFF, A-LA-BA-MA MAN!
02-01-2025, 03:28 PM
Just kind of a random item of note:
I was looking to update my gaming PC (really I want to move it back to an older and much better case and thought I might as well update some components while I'm at it). You can't hardly get a new video card now. I wasn't planning on getting the Nvidia 5000 series anyway because they are crazy expensive but they also cannot be found for sale (except by scalpers). The 4070 and 4080 are also sold out everywhere I looked (except, again, for the occasional scalper -- anything you see on Amazon is almost certainly a 3rd party scalper with at least a 50% markup). AMD cards are available (well, not the 7900 but the 7800 is) but I've always avoided AMD because any time there's some weird game crashing graphics bug in a game it has always been an AMD thing. I'm not desperate because the 2080 I bought a few years back is still fine for what I play but I thought it was interesting how hard it was to find an up to date gaming graphics card for sale, even the previous model.
02-01-2025, 05:56 PM
Kind of been that way for years. The bitcoin miners I think have increased the demand exponentially.
There's a reason NVidia stock has done so well recently, the demand is so high. IMO, until there is a game that you want to play that you can't, I just stick with what I have. Granted, that's why I bought a new computer in 2021 cause of damn New World. I probably could have just upgraded the video card, but wanted my son to have a better PC, so he got my old and I got a new one. I have a hard time paying that much money for a new video card, especially when the last years models are so good still.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
02-01-2025, 06:22 PM
Yeah I went and looked and my current PC was bought in Jan 2019 -- six years old. The explosive growth in graphics has calmed down significantly too so there's no PC game this machine hasn't been able to decently handle. Used to be you pretty well needed a new machine or a sizable upgrade every 4 years to keep up.
I was thinking of updating the graphics card to see if it made VR games more playable. Allegedly the 2080 should be good enough but the couple things I tried didn't run well, though I also didn't spend much time trying to tweak them. If I really itch for a graphics card I guess I can get on the mailing list! The nvidia site sent me to Micro Center but they won't ship it. In store pickup only. Nothing in stock. Sign up for the waiting list. Meh!
02-01-2025, 07:22 PM
I have the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060TI. I don't really understand the models on them though.
Based on benchmarks, mine is comparable to some 2080's, and not as good as for example the 2080 TI. So why would the 3060 TI be lower than the 2080 TI. Anyways,I've been really happy with the 3060TI and I've had it 4 years. Granted, I'm mostly playing Marvel Rivals right now so not exactly pushing it.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
02-01-2025, 07:36 PM
Yeah I don't always understand the nitty gritty details (although these days, you can ask an AI to explain it!). Typically the new models (4070 vs 5070) have some new advancement that makes particular things run a lot better ("ray tracing") whereas sub-model differences (4060 vs 4080) tend to be things like RAM, clock speed and maybe some special features that make certain things ("ray tracing" again) run better on the higher model.
So the end result tends to be that you might get a 3060 that runs the same or better than a 2080 because whatever made the 2080 special became standard in the 3000 series. (And meanwhile, whatever made the 3080 special probably became standard in the 4000 series.) Typically I think the xx70 tends to be the best bang for the buck. xx80 is asking you to pony up a fair bit more cash for a small improvement and xx90 is for people who just don't care in the slightest about money and will take even the smallest improvement or just want to be able to say they have "the best" even if their video card now costs quite a lot more than the entire rest of their machine. (Or they are doing AI / bitcoin mining and the tip top performance actually matters.)
02-02-2025, 11:39 AM
I've been sitting on my gtx 970 ti for about 10 yrs now. I was thinking of upgrading once the 50x series hits the market first a few months and going with the 4070 sometime later this year. It'll likely run stuff for another 10yrs at the way game development has gone. I agree with Slamz that the xx70s are usually the sweet spot performance for price.
02-03-2025, 08:42 AM
I ended up getting a RTX 4070 Super not too long ago when I was having those crashing problems with Myth of Empires and we were thinking it might have burned out my GPU with whatever overnight 'mining' it was doing. It was like $600. I had a RTX 4070 in my son's machine that was bought about a year prior in the same general price range. Looking now, it seems like the price has held pretty steady going on 3 years now for that range of card.
It turned out it wasn't the card -- it was some legacy driver thing if I recall correctly that was leftover on my machine from just doing an upgrade in place over the years of the operating system vs. a clean install. But i kept the card and swapped it out and gave my son the extra one and kept his as spare for testing. But so far, it hasn't given me any issues. Too many games to fit in signature.... |
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