04-20-2022, 06:48 AM
OMG did you see APE?!!?!? up 40%...... dammit! I cashed out all my APE last night. I still got in at 8.00 but who could have guessed it would hit $17?!
04-20-2022, 06:48 AM
OMG did you see APE?!!?!? up 40%...... dammit! I cashed out all my APE last night. I still got in at 8.00 but who could have guessed it would hit $17?!
04-20-2022, 07:20 AM
haha! I didn't see Ape, but did get a bunch of notifications about basically everything being up. Yea that's pretty rough... that's the thing that sucks about Crypto, it's all about timing the market. Just wait until it goes back down to $8 later today, which it probably will and buy it again.
I still don't understand what causes these dips and spikes... seems that anytime there is a spike there is a dip soon thereafter. It's like market correction for a mistake constantly... all you're really doing is timing the mistakes.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
04-20-2022, 08:43 AM
Yeah but every time there is a dip or a spike people will buy or sell which means that there are fees. Crypto is all about the fees!
96 99 44 4 33
04-21-2022, 07:14 AM
I bought some APE again MANA and KNC. We will see what happens. I still have lots of CRO and SOL. GO team!
04-22-2022, 09:56 AM
Enjoy the ride. At this point you are just doing it for the rollercoaster of it all. I'm looking to buy land heh
96 99 44 4 33
04-22-2022, 03:44 PM
(04-22-2022, 09:56 AM)TinStar Wrote: Enjoy the ride. At this point you are just doing it for the rollercoaster of it all. I'm looking to buy land hehhehe... Yea I'm looking to get out. As soon as I can make a little $ off of it, I'm going to completely cash out. It's been educational learning about it and all, but really all it did was further cement my opinion that it's just gambling... and I don't gamble so. Just waiting on Elon to troll someone so my $.14 doge stock will jump to $2 and I can make $20.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
04-25-2022, 08:59 AM
Huge dip.....!
KNC, APE and my DOGE is green though lol.. I bought some DOGE. The twitter deal is looking like its a go. If it hits .25 I won't feel stupid for buying it.
Doge was down to .12 last night.. then up today. Crypto is stupid
/edit - Doge up 25% today! Still shit , I bought at .18.. thought I bought at .14.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
04-25-2022, 01:47 PM
(04-25-2022, 11:42 AM)strife Wrote: Doge was down to .12 last night.. then up today. Crypto is stupid Crypto isn't for everyone. I like risk. I like money. free gambling isn't fun.
04-25-2022, 05:31 PM
yea, I'm totally the opposite, I'm very risk adverse when it comes to money. I like gambling when the risk is low... I mean, I really like playing poker, but I'm the type that wants to buy in for $20 and play for a couple hours on that with the thought that if I lose it all, it was worth $20 for the couple hours of enjoyment... I'm not buying in for $500... even if $500 doesn't have any impact on my life.
Free gambling isn't fun, I agree with that. I've tried to play the online poker games just for funz, but people don't play the same way with free money as they do with real money so it's stupid... they just go all in all the time with nothing and hope for the best, there is no real skill involved. I'm a fan of skill games... I think Crypto investing is a skill game, but it's not one I am that interested in. I have a buddy that does it and is trying to make a living from doing it. From what he posts on Facebook he seems to be doing okay, but I don't know how much he's actually earning from it.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
04-25-2022, 09:35 PM
I have a set limit and then grow that limit. $500 in and game on. I diversified and made some good and bad choices. I got Crypto.com at .18 up to .91, MANA at $1.00 up to $3.49 and some losers like 1Inch and others I can't remember. Some went up after I sold them but that was part of the learning experience. I bought Solano recently at $135 per and not its $104 so ya.... it's a gamble. So now I wait but I feel Solano has a decent business model and is becoming widely adopted so fk it lets let it ride!
DOGE will go up because... Hype Elon etc etc...
04-28-2022, 08:10 AM
APE coin broke $20. Let's recap... I bought at 8 and sold at 13.25 because last time I was greedy it didn't work out. So then I go back and buy more at $17ish and then some more at $19. SO lets see what happens. Saturday APECOIN and Bored APE yacht club release a metaverse which has lots of hype behind it in the small communities of crypto nerds. It could either be a big win or a big flop.
04-30-2022, 02:45 PM
I'm a glutton, bought a little more Aave today, I think it's artificially down(along with quite a few others).
I think the elections later this year will have an impact, so I'm probably just going to sit on what I have until then and then maybe try to cash out. Ape is still up some. Is there any way to move Crypto between different wallets? Or do you just have to sell from one and buy in the other? I've got most of mine on Coinbase, but have a little on Crypto.com and will eventually have some on Upload wallet.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
04-30-2022, 06:24 PM
Aave down like $20 immediately after I bought lol
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
05-01-2022, 03:01 PM
So, I transferred everything I had on Coinbase to Coinbase Pro...
I've been screwing around with my Crypto trying to learn the systems a little more. It looks like I can xfer from one wallet to another(Crypto.com -> Coinbase), but it will cost you a % of what you're transferring... so for example, I have like 3.5 cro, but to xfer it from Crypto.com to Coinbase Pro, it would cost me .2 Cro. On Coinbase Pro, the way I am understanding this is, you can trade in different markets(US Dollar, Bitcoin, Ethereum), which if I sell in one of those markets, I get paid in that currency... so it's almost like trading whatever Currency(Doge for example), for Bitcoin if I do it in that market. Still costs me a % of the trade though.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
05-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Ya fees and then you have gas fees if you are trading with the big boys. I was going to get in on the otherverse by bored ape yacht club. I had my APE coin ready for the land release and when I went to get my land the gas fees were 4-8 Eth which is like 4-8 x $2800 or whatever Ethereum is trading at. F that! Good news is I didn't pay the gas fees. Bad news is the land is selling for $300k floor and up. Oh well!
The market has been terrible. Crypto.com made a great business decision and lowered the rewards but the client base is pissed and CRO has dropped 30%. APEcoin rollout for the otherverse didn't go as planned. They sold out of land and brought in 421mill in a few hours but the system crashed. People lost their gas fees.... you know the $2800 x4-8. I would lose it! Because of the crash that pissed off a lot of people so now APE went from $27 to $15...... my average is $19 per. Rough day of gambling with the big boys. I did sell some of my APE just in case it crashed but in good fashion it went back up last night and now today its back down. "I didn't buy stocks in a company and expect it to go up in 2 days or I sell". Got to remember long term......
Yes it's a bloodbath at the moment. I see lots of discounts. Last time ETH was down to $2500 it went back up to $3200, hopefully this is going to happen.
05-09-2022, 12:44 PM
The discounts are too tempting
![]() Bought some more Aave...
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
Never heard of that but GL! Aave doesn't look to bad at a glance but at that price I have to do more research. This is a huge opportunity to either lose all your money or become a millionaire. I couldn't risk that much so I liquidated 60% of my portfolio. I will watch for a few more days then I will buy BTC and ETH.
I started buying AAVE because it was stable at the time that I bought it... granted, it's taken a major fall since I bought it... like everything else. I don't have enough invested to care so I'm fine with letting it all ride.
All of my buy's % change since I bought... (Many of these were free from learn & earn) -52.88% -30.09% -0.20% -79.51% -35.02% -38.89% -27.01% -23.52% -58.82% -70.59% 0.00% -42.31% -49.59% -39.53%
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
05-11-2022, 10:07 AM
Curious how many Crypto stocks are going to go to 0 during this time. One of the penny stocks I threw some $ at was .03 when I bought it, now down to .011... if it goes down much more it won't be worth even a penny....
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
05-11-2022, 04:21 PM
So any thoughts on crypto being trash and cashing out and calling it a day?
When I first got interested I was considering putting about $1k in just to play with it and see how it goes. But with my issues getting my bank to connect and my distrust of the internet and not wanting to directly connect my bank account, I just kinda said "meh" So all in all, 100% of my money in crypto is from the free crypto on coinbase. I think I have roughly about $25 in value. I did sell a little when I first got it and bought CRO with it. When I was at like $14 in value, my crypto was worth like $23. I have gained about $10 from the learning since then and currently my crypto is worth $11.93. When I look at tradable assets on coinbase, there are literally 3 that have positive growth in the last week...
96 99 44 4 33
05-11-2022, 04:54 PM
(05-11-2022, 04:21 PM)TinStar Wrote: So any thoughts on crypto being trash and cashing out and calling it a day?I think it's too late to get out if you're not seriously investing like you and I. Like all stocks, you haven't lost anything unless you sell. I bought a little bit of bitcoin today. Doge is down to .07... I bought at .18 ![]() I am kind of just waiting for the elections... I think they will cause a boost. If the elections happen and they are all still down, I may just cash out and call it a day. If this was just a couple Crypto's down and I was in, and they have been going like this for months, I would consider selling... but it's almost every one of them... it's a market driven dive, not anything specific to one off stocks.
I don't own kid gloves.
Steam Friend Code : 1636490
05-11-2022, 06:44 PM
(05-11-2022, 04:54 PM)strife Wrote:(05-11-2022, 04:21 PM)TinStar Wrote: So any thoughts on crypto being trash and cashing out and calling it a day?I think it's too late to get out if you're not seriously investing like you and I. Like all stocks, you haven't lost anything unless you sell. I got scared took close to a $4k loss and now regret my actions. I was already down why didn't I just hold!? I made money this year so I am not jumping off a bridge, yet. I started reading fake news about "what if coinbase collapses".... then I found it odd my crypto.com app was disconnected from transferring money out to my bank. Hell no you aren't keeping my money! I emptied coinbase and sold all my btc, eth and ape. (It turned out to be my bank) BTC and ETH are the only semi-safe bets but then again look at Terra, down 98%. Terra had a stable coin that was supposed to stay $1.00. BTC 28k ETH 2k I have Pionex open and watching minute by minute transactions for BTC, APE and ETH. I will buy some BTC and APE if we reach a bottom in the next day. |
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