You'll never take me alive! (Dirty coppers!)
Planetside. MMOFPS.

So. I play for the Terran Republic (TR) in a 3-way war.

One day I was in the caverns and got a message from someone on the enemy team. He told me they'd stolen a TR tank and asked me if I could get them some ammo.

wtf? You stole one of my team's tanks and now you want me to get you ammo for it? What do I look like?

I was in a good mood. I told him no. If I'd been in a bad mood I'd have told him yes, arranged a meeting, then shot him. Bring him some ammo... Goddamn bluebies.

So, there's a bit of a fight down there that goes on for a while. In the end, my team has 1 spawn point left and it's me vs 7 enemies. I don't know where the rest of my team went. (Cowards!) Eventually they get me down to where they're camping the last spawn spot. I die, I spawn, they immediately kill me, repeat.

One of them sends me a tell, "You should have given us the ammo."

Let me tell you a little secret. This is a little characteristic in all my characters because it's in me: I'm a vindictive bastard. So you ask me for ammo like I'm some kinda bootlickin traitor to my team, then you gloat. Oh hell no. Bitch.

So I tried to escape the spawn camp. Go this way, die. Respawn. Go that way, get a couple steps, die. Respawn. Repeat about 10 times. When I talk about tenacity, this is the kind of thing I mean. Every attempt was a 30 second wait to respawn again, but I wasn't going to let people like that take my last spawn point for free. I could have left and gone somewhere else, but they had to open their mouth, so now I'm in Vindictive Mode, so I'm going to keep trying to kill them for as long as I can.

And the 11th time worked! The 11th time I made it. I got out of the door with a pixel of life left and did the Forrest Gump run through twists and turns and when I finally looked back, they were nowhere to be seen.

I made my way to an equipment terminal tucked away in the netherlands of the caves and got suited up. Healed up? Check. New suit of armor? Check. Machinegun? Check. Rocket launcher? Check. Extra bullets and medkits? Check.

This has to be one of my personal favorite Planetside memories. It was total Rambo: First Blood.

Thing is, most Planetside players don't like the caves. I don't know why, really, I guess because they're so complex. I like them, though. A lot. I spend a lot of time down there. They're MY caves, goddammit. Someone's making fun of me in my caves? Spawn camping me and sending me gloaty tells in my caves? Horseshit. Get the fuck out of my cave.

So I carefully picked my way back towards the spawn point. Turns out, they'd gotten confident and had split up to look for me.

Found a guy. Killed him.
Found another guy. Killed him.
Found a guy in a MAX suit (super heavy armor, like a small tank with feet). I ran away.... he chased me. To a big mannable turret. Which I jumped into. Then killed him.

Now you gotta figure to the rest of the squad, this must be alarming. You know there's only 1 enemy left and he just barely got out alive. There's 7 of you, it's not a problem, right? Then on your squad HUD you see Bob's health meter drop to 0 and "PecosBill [picture of a gun] Bob" on your text. Then Frank's health meter drops to 0 and "PecosBill [picture of a gun] Frank" scrolls up.

And since there's 7 of you, you didn't bother to bring up the portable spawn station, so your closest respawn point is half a mile away.

So this has gotta start to worry you after the 3rd or 4th death. Some guy you were making fun of just a second ago has gotten loose and is killing your whole squad one at a time and, as Rambo would say, he's comin ta git you.

I worked my way back and managed to kill 6 of the 7 guys who were spawncamping me, 1 by 1. One more kill and I'd be able to resecure the base.

Sadly, the 7th guy got me. I guess just like all the movies, every team of villians has to have that one guy that's actually good.

And they'd captured the last spawn spot, so I couldn't spawn anymore. They'd won.

But I bet they'll think real hard about asking another Terran Republic member for free ammo.

We'll give ya ammo alright...
Caves were by far the most fun in that game.
Grunldesnapp <Purge>
I agree, but until BRs there were never more then 4 people down there. I wonder how things are now.
"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

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