03-25-2005, 03:17 PM
Hello i just switched servers from bleeding hallow and would very much like to be a part of the Purge....and help keep them puny humys at bay.
I feel that purge will be the dominate horde guild on the server and want to get in on the pvp action.
I am lvl 56 war...and have 3 real life friends currently in the guild, kagomechan, skaag, and jakensama, but i am sure they can vouch.....i hope lol :lol:
Plz get back with me. I am always in the game. lol
I feel that purge will be the dominate horde guild on the server and want to get in on the pvp action.
I am lvl 56 war...and have 3 real life friends currently in the guild, kagomechan, skaag, and jakensama, but i am sure they can vouch.....i hope lol :lol:
Plz get back with me. I am always in the game. lol