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I have to share this one.
Foerunner got camped by a 60 Hunter with an epic mount (no way to escape that) so I just logged on Zimjin instead. Figured if he was still there, I'd kill him with Zim, if not, I'd get some herbs.
So he was gone by the time I got there and I started patrolling around.
I came across a 60 rogue and attacked. In my approach, I saw a 55 mage was with her but I was already engaging so kept attacking. I switched to the mage. Long story short, I kept the rogue off my back with snare totems (which she foolishly ignored) while I killed the mage, then healed myself and killed the rogue with a little help from the Barov trinket.
I was feeling good about myself there, 60 rogue + 55 mage killed in a 2v1 fight, I missed playing Zimjin to have that kinda strength. If only I could do stuff like that with Foerunner.
So I farmed herbs for a while, then logged on Foerunner. That same mage came up and attacked me. I attacked back. The level 60 rogue unstealthed and hit me just as I feared the mage. I sacrificed my Voidwalker and feared the rogue, then quick-summoned a Felhunter. Long story short: killed the mage, then kited the rogue to death.
Same 60 rogue/55 mage combo, same result, different character.
I tell you, I'm feelin pretty damn good about that. Somewhere, there are 2 people who now equate <The Purge> with people who will own their face in even 2v1. /tootownhorn
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I'm not afraid of fighting 2 vs 1 anymore. The lack of fear combined with their complete surprise that someone would have the guts equals your advantage. The only duo that I think I couldn't beat is a Hunter duo, unless I got the jump and got a few massive crits on the first Hunter and dropped him fast.
One of my favorite 2 vs 1 fights was just this last Tuesday. I was in Felwood when I ran across a 60 Pally, them being easy targets I dismounted and charged. Not 1 second later and I see a Gnome Mage, 57 or 58 I forget, dismount and start to cast. I switch targets and intercept the Mage interuppting his cast, normal attack and Mortal strike later and he's at 30%. He blinks so I use Barov's and let them chase him while I take a few more whacks at the Pally who is back on my tail. Hamstring the Pally and when intercept was back I used it and finished the Mage. I was hurt, about 50% and the Pally was 90% and 50% mana. I widdled him down to about 30% when he shielded. So I bandaged and we where both at around 100%, but he was at 10% mana. So he knew he was toast.
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I stopped just short of executing him and I bandaged him to full. We then shared a snack and went and farmer gold the rest of the night.
How the hell do you think it ended?!?
I chopped is head off, cried on his corpse and went on my way with a huge smile on my face.
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I know what a bumbling orc you are so I didnt take the ending for granted.
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I believe you are confusing me with Vllad, who often nets himself and lets his target escape.
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My shaman had a similar story recently. I was level 35 and helping Tamarra (30 of Sylvannis's many alts) finish off some Shimmering Flats quests. Along comes a level 40 paladin and attacks me.
He must not have seen Tamarra at first because he didn't turn on her until she had healed me a couple of times. So he turned to take her out (3 hits...what do you expect of a 10 level advantage?) and came back after me.
I was surprised at how long I lasted. I had Windfury up, kept Frost Shocking him, and ran circles around him until he was almost dead. He didn't bother with his invulnerability shield...he just used LOH. I'm at about half life and half mana and he's at full health and no mana.
Long story short? I beat him! I was laughing my ass off, let me tell you. I ressed Tamarra and we went north a bit hoping to lose him.
It didn't work. 5 minutes later, we were done with the quests and heading back to the raceway when he came running up on his nice free horse again. This time he went straight for Tamarra...she was dead before I knew he was there.
This fight was even closer. Windfury had expired, so I wasted quite a bit of mana refreshing it. When he was almost dead, he threw up his invulnerability shield and started healing. So I healed myself up while I was waiting. It really came down to the wire. In the end, though, he got the last shot in before I could. I think had I played a little smarter I could have beat him again.
But seriously...I still felt pretty good for having beat him once and almost beat him a second time, particularly when he got the jump on us and was 5 levels above me. Do paladins really suck this badly or was this guy just an idiot?
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I have come to really enjoy taking on larger groups of upper 50's-60. Groups of 2 and 3 give so much more of a challenge, and I love the thought afterwards of the three of them sitting there going "how the hell did that happen?!?!"
So far my best is a full group of 5 in Felwood lowest level was 55, then one 56, two 57's and a 59. I killed them all, but had their mage (which died first) rez and one shot me just after I killed off their last man. Potions, wipper roots, nightdragons, ice traps, rocket helm, AB dmg trinket, Class honor trinket, and a couple of very decent crits. I wish i'd been able to fraps it - probably the single most fun moment in wow so far. Of course the corpse camping ensues after these grand occasions. tyr's hand provides me with a ton of this kind of action too.
We should go there together some time Zim. So much fun for world pvp, and I love duo's. Typically it winds up adding a completely different feel to pvp. You are reliant on the skills of hte person you are with as much as your own, and at the same time, a group of two isn't always a steam roller like larger group tend to be in world pvp.
Taking on full groups of 5 with a group of two is just so much fun.
Gameless (for now)
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Best fight ever to this date was me and Orsun owning everyone at Tyr's hand one day. That fight was legendary as it was easily 6 or 7 on 2 at one point. I think Orsun and I expected to die but just kept going and going heh...
Grats on your ownage Zimjin that's awesome when you come out on top like that.
All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
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OMG! i was soooo pissed off at this Priest after all u guys logged from the butt whooping rag gave us.
So i tagged along to help Farm FR Bracers from incedious and the +15fr off hand another 10 minutes in. anyways... incedious is in BRD and i thought taking a left on the chain and hoping on the ubrs ledge would get me to brd for some reason.
There was a priest on the ledge that had me targeted so i jumped on the ledge and stealthed before he got his spell off and canceled it. i sapped him before instant fear and just ran into ubrs.
well i realized i was retarded and also standing in the wrong instance. so i zoned out. when my screen loaded i was in ubrs still with a fear debuff....
i did this like 3 times and realized he had been MCing me into the instance. I tried once more and when i loaded i was at half health and taking a beating from the 2 elites on the right side of the instance where u get BWL attuned.
so... i vanish and proceeded to kill him. did a /lol /pizza and canabalized him. that was my most enjoyable kill in a looooooong time.
![[Image: epicuo4.jpg]](
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
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Karne that day will live in my mind forever. OMG so much fun. We need to have a repeat performance, you and I.
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My personal favorite is on my warrior in the late 40s.
I'm boppping around tanaris farming iron and spot a rogue on a mob. So in the spirit of a quick kill I dismount and charge. In the process of the inevitable dance that always commences I spot two MORE rogues coming over the hill.
Crap, this just got real.
Rouge 1 is evading and prolly still around 60% as his buddies stealth. Know whats coming I retalitate(pre-nerf I may add) and wait .02 seconds for the first Ambush. I beak it with just enough time to fire off SS.
This is enough for rogue one to suicide on me. 1 down
As soon as I get out of the stunlock intimidating shout and rocket helm rogue number 2. Leaving me number three all to myself he's around 70%. Drop him and have time to bandage before reckless charge wears off. Intecept, hamnstring, rend and a few second later 3 dead rogues and me at 60% health.
Bashere roars with bestial vigor
I bet they were wondering WTH just hit them.
Other the that drowning people that try to chase me deep in the water with I Oni alwasy was a favorite. As was throwing fools off the cliff is Azshara, and watching them suicide as I feather down.
NEVERMIND...I'm dead 8(