Torami 60 Hunter
Hey folks! My name is Torami and I have a drinking problem. Some of you may vaguely remember my name, as I have been on a couple of MC runs with The Purge. Like many of the lvl 60 characters from BwR, I am searching more endgame content that simply can't be achieved in a small, although awesome guild. I enjoy pvp and instanced fun, and long walks on the beach. One thing for certain, I always like to keep things interesting. MMORPGs are not new to me, as I have played several, such as EQ, EQ2, FFXI, COH. I'm sure that Anuksa or Elindra will vouch that I am not an "asshat" (I know where you work Anuksa... :evil: ), and that I know when its time to work hard and when its time to play hard.

To list some specifics about Torami, he is a lvl 60 Hunter with Traq shot, a 300 engineer with such patterns as repair bot. I have completed the onyxia key quest, and am MC and BWL attuned.

I have grouped with some members of The Purge in the past and really liked the feeling that the guild presented. The raids on MC that I attended with The Purge would have to be the hightlight of Torami's virtual life up to this point. I am sure that if you accept me as a member I will not disapoint.

----==== For your consideration for an Academy Award====----
Torami :wink:

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