Application- Elowyn, Lendryn and Stoli
Hi everyone, first things first, "I read that whole post you said applicants should read".

There are 3 of us that are actually interested in joining your guild. My husband, a friend of ours and myself of course. We're all in our 30's or 40's, my husband (Lendryn) and I (Elowyn) have children as does our friend (Stoli).

We've played with a few people from your guild and have enjoyed playing with them very much. We'd very much enjoy getting to meet more people from your guild through grouping.

Elowyn is a Cleric level 33, a healing cleric, who is an armor crafter
Lendryn is a Mage level 33
Stoli is a Warrior, level 32

I also have a level 33 alt rogue, Silhouette, who is a master outfitter.
My husband also has a level 33 alt rogue, Adimas, who is a weapons crafter.

I have two other alts as well that are an apothicarian and an artificer.

Just so you know I'm definately not a "crafter" I'm just resourceful and a mom and make my own stuff! LOL I'm happy to make things for anyone else that needs as well! Smile

All 3 of us have been playing MMO's since there were MMO's, my husband and I were actually playing MUD's together over 15 years ago so.. we're definately not new to the gaming scene. (In other words, we're old Tongue ) Your guild seems to have the type of people we're insterested in gaming with and again we'd love to get to know you.

Thank you for your time Smile

Elowyn - Level 33 Cleric
Silhouette - Level 33 Rogue

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