Weaksoysauce, warrior
Hey all, right I have a warrior that is level 16 named Weaksoysauce. But im grinding pretty fast. I have a 60 shaman, 26 hunter, 22 mage on Kil'Jaeden. I'm working on this char because I'm good friends with Shmobiggles IRL, along with Beefboss. PVP is my main goal, HWL hopefully. I would like to join The Purge because guild runs are so much more fun than PUGs, you win alot more and its just a better time having teammates to work with. I also know you guys run MC. I have done MC a few times, but I have done ZG alot, and have quite a bit of experiance with it.

Past games experiance: EQ1, EQ2, CS, CS:S, SWG, couple more.
Location:Kodiak Alaska

I'm mainly looking to be specced when I get down the line as a DPS warrior, fury/arms spec for the pvp.
Chuck Norris loves to hunt. Except hunting intends the chance of failure. So instead, Chuck Norris goes killing.

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