Weaksoysauce, warrior
Hey all, right I have a warrior that is level 16 named Weaksoysauce. But im grinding pretty fast. I have a 60 shaman, 26 hunter, 22 mage on Kil'Jaeden. I'm working on this char because I'm good friends with Shmobiggles IRL, along with Beefboss. PVP is my main goal, HWL hopefully. I would like to join The Purge because guild runs are so much more fun than PUGs, you win alot more and its just a better time having teammates to work with. I also know you guys run MC. I have done MC a few times, but I have done ZG alot, and have quite a bit of experiance with it.

Past games experiance: EQ1, EQ2, CS, CS:S, SWG, couple more.
Location:Kodiak Alaska

I'm mainly looking to be specced when I get down the line as a DPS warrior, fury/arms spec for the pvp.
Chuck Norris loves to hunt. Except hunting intends the chance of failure. So instead, Chuck Norris goes killing.
Can we get the same Shmo endorsement as he gave Skelywarrior? hehe

Quoted below!


Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 583
Location: Kodiak, Alaska
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:49 pm Post subject:


Hey skely! long time no see bud. This guy is GREAT. He's a RL friend of mine, and we go to the arcade all the time. HAHA REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME ON THE DDR MACHINE?!?! rofl .. zomg i thought those chicks were gonna MOB you you were so on fire with all your fancy moves. I can't even pretend to be as good as you.

an-e-wayz, i hope he gets into the gulid becuase he would be an AWSOME player to have in our guild. Not only does he know eveyrthing htere is to nkow about eery class. IM NOT JOKING EVERY CLASS, HES PLAYED EVERY CLASS AND DOES RESERCH FOR SCHOOL ON THEM> he also scores with tons of chicks ,and those chicks ALSO PLAY WOW so then we could recruit htem and have like A CHICK GULID WITH SKELY AS OUR PIMP..

any-e-wayz, skely you're one of my fav 0-~ msg me okay? becuase i miss talking to you on MSN. I HAVE NEW FRIENDS to show you .. they're awsome and htey have webcams that htey use all the time..

Mom said you couldn't come over this weekend, by the way, but maybe next weekend you can come.. just bring your computerso we can play WOW all night and hit on hot chicks...

OMG I WROTE SO MUCH, im sorry purge1! IDdnt mean to write this much haha it's just that skely is so awsome and ihope you get him into your guild for the obvoius reasons i've stated above.

ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
hehe nah, Eric is legit Smile Quality gamer with a mindset that works well with our Purgies Smile

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