Application - Vegascat
I've played all of the cult armies, as well as an undevided list from time to time, but pretty much anytime Im not playing khorne I feel like im wearing my shoeson my hands. My opponents prefered me playing khorne, as did I.

I haven't actually played in years, but my last battle against eldar was win for me... a pretty brutal win, to be honest. The "fuck eldar" reaction was more or less an all ecompassing "fuck anyone not playing chaos... and as a matter of fact, fuck anyone not playing World Eaters."

6th ed chaos just came out, which means I can play pure World Eater again. Im very excited.
Patrick - 7X GM Dexxer (retired)
Zik the Elflord - 75 Elf BW Thief (retired, because the servers got taken down..)
Xyphos - 40 Swordmaster (retired)
WoW Toons - Three 120's, and Twenty Eight 100+'s
GW2 - The Xyphos Army

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