Application - Vegascat
:lol: Yes, well, this is true. I'm not sure how much folks really want to know about me, but as far as gamer cred goes, here's my brief history:

I got into RPGs with the first edition of Marvel Superheroes (yeah, I've been reading comics nonstop since I was a kid)while I was in Junior High School and was instantly hooked! I moved on from there quickly to First Edition D&D, Palladium Fantasy, Champions, GURPS, and other RPGs. In high school I got interested in wargaming and board games and started with Car Wars, Rouge Trooper, Chainsaw Warrior(which I still have), Talisman (which I still have), Bloodbowl (which I still have two different editions of), and others. My gaming group somewhere along the line started playing Warhammer 40k (ah, good old Rougue Trader) and tried Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but dropped it as the mechanics of it just didnt suit us, but we stuck with 40K for a long time (I still have a good sized Eldar army) and dabbled in Battletch and a handful of other wargames. I joined the Navy (does that count as a wargame? :lol: ) and kept playing D&D, Rifts, 40K, got sucked into Warhammer Fantasy (Thank you Ken Lacy!), Necromunda, Man O'War, Mighty Empires, Bloodbowl, played Magic the Gathering for a little while and got my start into really playing modern video games with the original Halo.

Due to many moves while in the Navy (I retired two years ago), as far as wargames go, I really only play Warmachine/Hordes and have sold off all but my Eldar and Skaven armies, that I keep mainly to paint and in case I decide to get back into 40k and/or Warhammer Fantasy. I also occassionally play Bloodbowl, Talisman, Super Dungeon Explore, and play a few card games that I like such as Gloom. Probably my favorite past time is painting miniatures for use in wargames, but also just for pleasure (and occassionaly as gifts).

I don't think I missed anything. Questions, comments, rock throwing? Smile

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