I have been Lasik'ed
Vllad Wrote:
Vanraw Wrote:And its pretty fucking amazing. Had the surgery yesterday. Woke up today and I can see!!!

What the hell. They told me I was to old to have it now and not old enough for it to take. They told me to come back when I was 60 and they would consider it.

You are my age for christ sakes.

hmm that is the first I heard of that. Might depend on what you have going. I've worn glasses / contacts since about age 28. My prescription changed every year until about 10 years ago it stopped changing. That was one of my governing decisions to go for it, thinking I will not need it adjusted.

Also the tech has really changed in the list 5 years. Might be worth going in and getting screened again. I was nervous so went to different providers and talked allot to my eye doctor. All said I was a good candidate. Have then do the full screening (you actually need someone to drive you home for the screen because the dilation is so aggressive). Make sure you go somewhere that uses the latest tech. Today that's femtosecond laser for the flap and excimer laser for the cornea reshaping.

One note is it does not fix Presbyopia, which is the hardening of the lens. You still need cheaters to read. But hey old farts need reading glasses.

Im just glad that when the zombie apocalypse comes I wont be screwed when my glasses break....
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

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