black otter
TinStar Wrote:
livingfree Wrote:lol yeah you guys far outmatch us. Our rushed townhalls hurt us badly. But many of us are real life friends so that means we can't really structure properly for war. Then we added people who ended up bailing on us. And one the new guys was a horribly rushed TH9. I knew he was going to get nailed by dragons. He wouldn't listen to suggestions and said that even though his air d was low level he wanted his xbow pointed down because "the range makes it soooo much better". Dang kids. I am daddyuwarbash in that clan, by the way. It really amazes me out of all the clans in the world we got matched up twice. Not sure how that happens.

We have our share of rushed townhalls as well but fortunately for the most part our TH9/TH8 bases are not rushed (we have multiple people right now who are maxed everything except walls/hero and are sitting there upgrading those). It is amazing how just 1 or 2 rushed townhalls can hurt you though. We also like to shame people into not rushing their townhalls. It's amazing how well that works for some people. For the most part we don't let people who don't have a reference in the clan (we recently let in a few people that have worked out but most of the time it's a total mistake), but we do have quite a few kids (children of clan members/neice/nephew/etc) but we try and make sure adults have access to their account. We also opt out people who don't do both of their war attacks. I wouldn't say we are super strict on our war, but we try and at least smooth out the edges. People get pretty pissed when they spend a ton of resources on war to lose because people don't do their attacks, or don't give a decent effort.

Yeah, we started out as mostly a farming clan. But in the last few months have been more war focused. But the damage of rushed THs was already done. Some of our people are trying to play catch up now, but the TH10 guys are struggling. We have Numerous TH9 guys with better defenses and troops than a couple of our TH10 members. The outmatched wars is a morale crusher lol

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