intro and app
Hi, My name is Chaplin and Im a 53 warlock and I know I have a problem. Im addicted to killing alliance. It started back in my younger days when myself and a few friends of mine joined the crushridge server and started the guild Hands of Doom. At first it was just a gnome here and there and sometimes a human. Then as more people joined my habit grew, just one gnome wouldnt do it anymore, I had to move on to new habits. Now I think Im lost, gnomes, nightelves, humans it doesnt matter. Any race, any class, if your alliance I just cant help myself. And god help me I dont want to quit. Im looking for a guild that will help support me in my habit and keep me filled with my fix of dead alliance members. Talking with cinderkitty for a bit led me to look to The purge and so here I am. Send me a tell in game if you have questions for me or just want me to help support you in the habit I know you all have.


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