Babies with Rabies - information about our guild
Hey all! nice website, looks like alot of applicants.

Here is general information on guild, I wont list alts since most are less then level 30. Here is the *core* of the guild. Most I have known from anywhere between 2-20 years(out of 26). I trust all of them.

Eobi - guild leader
Samal - officer
Tchahntos - officer
Keyota- officer
Klove - officer
Fatama - officer
Subotai - officer

Fotia - veteran
Nosehairs - veteran
Mabasrn - veteran
Torami - veteran
Deadwax - veteran
Valmia - veteran
Eodyn - veteran

6-8 more lower level players, mostly new additions. The rest are alts.


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