Babies with Rabies - information about our guild
Hey all! nice website, looks like alot of applicants.

Here is general information on guild, I wont list alts since most are less then level 30. Here is the *core* of the guild. Most I have known from anywhere between 2-20 years(out of 26). I trust all of them.

Eobi - guild leader
Samal - officer
Tchahntos - officer
Keyota- officer
Klove - officer
Fatama - officer
Subotai - officer

Fotia - veteran
Nosehairs - veteran
Mabasrn - veteran
Torami - veteran
Deadwax - veteran
Valmia - veteran
Eodyn - veteran

6-8 more lower level players, mostly new additions. The rest are alts.

Just wanted to post some information on BwR and how we normally operate, see if there is some common ground.

I havent read your policies, wanted to post blind and see if it matches.

PVP - we love it, we exercise it as much as possible. We arent reckless and we choose our fights with precision most of the time. We are firm believers that skill > numbers > levels (certain extent of course).

Ganking - same as pvp. red = HK to us. At times though, I will dance with a gnome before attacking.

corpse camping - hard to avoid if your in LHC,TM and other places. We dont purposely corpse camp at all times, but if we are defending an area we do the best we can and use all the tools necessary.

Low level killing - pvp happens. It was worse in asherons call(soulbound didnt exist, you could loot each other). Most of the stealthers frequently go and terrorize low level towns for the fun of it.

Personality - we are very hard to offend, we make alot of sick jokes but all in good fun and not targetted against people or minorities(seems like a growing problem in crushridge of late).

Instances - we go for need. Stratholme loses its flavour on run 15+. We like to go in and out without any major problems. We use need before greed on any roll and never encountered and problems with other players.

Overall , we do the best we can. We are on friendly terms with some alliance that we run into oftent, usually a wave before or after a good fight against skilled players is the extent though.

Im sure I left out alot more, but that is the general flavour of our guild.


(time to read policies!)
Wow, your gaming philosophy seems right in line with our own. Hope to group with you all soon.
I'm just curious (i.e. i'm neither the leader nor an officer). Are you proposing an alliance between guilds or a merger of BwR to Purge?

Hi Eobi. I'll do Warsong and kill rogues with you any day! Smile

That was an awesome come from behind 2-0 win yesterday...against all them rogues!
Same here Valenesca! That was great teamwork. Best part was when Warmonger left after 3 mins calling us noobs and cursing and saying that we already lost.

Attitude > skills > gear >

- Awesome time in AV yesterday, you guys are good. Always a pleasure.

- In response to merger / alliance I guess that depends on all of us. I had most of my officers join AV last night under Hoofhurr's leadership and we all seemed to work well together.

Hope to group with all of you soon!


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