Application - Namnab/Tinaral
Edit: Forgot to add "I read that whole post you said applicants should read" :-)

Alright... time to get the ball rolling for me as well.

Namnab - 36 Rune Priest - 200 Salvager/Talisman Maker
Tinaral - 30 Witch Hunter - Scavenger/??

I am in the same situation as Dragonsfire but I will explain it again.

We originally started alts on this server because RvR on Saphery was non-existent. Saphery got the option to move to Ungrim so we did as a guild (Ordinance).

Currently, we have absent leadership. We are looking for a new home and have enjoyed playing with Purge/PvP members.

I have played almost every MMO in existence. Starting with MUDS (if you count them) all the way up to Warhammer. PvP wise I have played Shadowbane, EVE, DAOC... I know I am missing a few.... But once you go up against another person, there is no turned back to completely PvE only.

I think that's it. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. See you all in-game.

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