Application Keerplunk
Hi im a 25 troll shaman keerplunk ( ill explain the name later) and seeing as i have not found a home on crushridge i decided to submit my app to The Purge. I found your post on the forums and it sounded right up my ally.

I am a mature gamer who has been playing MMos for 5 years now. I started on EQ, went to lineage 2, then to WoW seeing as how Lineage was taken over by the chinese farmer population. I love to PvP and raid. I am a semi-hardcore gamer so i can level pretty fast.

Oh and about the name, i know it sounds childish and all, but when i played EQ i used to RP a troll and my story was "when me mommy birthud me keerplunk was da sound dat i made when i hit da swamp floor" and the name has stuck iwth me ever since.

Send me a tell in game or reply on the forum

-Keer Big Grin

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