Application Keerplunk
Hi im a 25 troll shaman keerplunk ( ill explain the name later) and seeing as i have not found a home on crushridge i decided to submit my app to The Purge. I found your post on the forums and it sounded right up my ally.

I am a mature gamer who has been playing MMos for 5 years now. I started on EQ, went to lineage 2, then to WoW seeing as how Lineage was taken over by the chinese farmer population. I love to PvP and raid. I am a semi-hardcore gamer so i can level pretty fast.

Oh and about the name, i know it sounds childish and all, but when i played EQ i used to RP a troll and my story was "when me mommy birthud me keerplunk was da sound dat i made when i hit da swamp floor" and the name has stuck iwth me ever since.

Send me a tell in game or reply on the forum

-Keer Big Grin
I thought Kerplunk was the name of a Milton Bradley game :p
Cute name! Smile
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!

Best way to get into the Purge after posting is to seek out members online and try and group with them. Hope to see you in game.


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