Taax 45 Shaman Xcept 31 Priest Application
Hello Everyone!!

Well lets see here.....I've been playing WoW since a few months after launch, and I took some time off from it because I was moving and getting setteled in a new place. I used to play with one of your members by the name of Dreadknot who has now obviously out lvled me quite a bit! Grats to him. Anyhow....I've started playing again, about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and i've lvled a priest up to 31. I decided to just reroll to get used to the game again. I'm currently looking for a well organized guild such as yourself, and to be able to play with some people that are still around from when I used to play would be great! I've talked to chronos a bit about joining. If you guys need use of a 45 shaman or 31 priest send me a tell. I also have my brothers accout for a while, hes at boot camp...its a 47 warrior with a total talent reset on it. Ok, hope to hear from ya.


What I failed to mention above is that I play this game for pvp purposes, its awesome. I'm just trying to get to lvl 60 as quick as possible to take part in the larger scale battles. I've played a few RPG's before this. I played anarchy online for a long time(was my first rpg) and was an avid pvper in that game albeit all its bugs and stuff. I've also played EQ2 and SWG. So I do have experience in being in guilds and mass pvp organization. Ok, Hope to talk to you soon.




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