Taax 45 Shaman Xcept 31 Priest Application
Hello Everyone!!

Well lets see here.....I've been playing WoW since a few months after launch, and I took some time off from it because I was moving and getting setteled in a new place. I used to play with one of your members by the name of Dreadknot who has now obviously out lvled me quite a bit! Grats to him. Anyhow....I've started playing again, about 3 or 4 weeks ago, and i've lvled a priest up to 31. I decided to just reroll to get used to the game again. I'm currently looking for a well organized guild such as yourself, and to be able to play with some people that are still around from when I used to play would be great! I've talked to chronos a bit about joining. If you guys need use of a 45 shaman or 31 priest send me a tell. I also have my brothers accout for a while, hes at boot camp...its a 47 warrior with a total talent reset on it. Ok, hope to hear from ya.


What I failed to mention above is that I play this game for pvp purposes, its awesome. I'm just trying to get to lvl 60 as quick as possible to take part in the larger scale battles. I've played a few RPG's before this. I played anarchy online for a long time(was my first rpg) and was an avid pvper in that game albeit all its bugs and stuff. I've also played EQ2 and SWG. So I do have experience in being in guilds and mass pvp organization. Ok, Hope to talk to you soon.



May I suggest that you look for groups of Purge, using "who" or writting down some names and seeing if we are on. Grouping is the best way to determine whether you'll like us, and we'll like you.

Also, there are plenty of us at your levels, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Lastly, I would recommend you "slow" down in trying to get to 60...why? Well, it'll help you learn your class, as well as seeing what the game has to offer. True, we are a PvP guild, but there are lots of us that do PvE as well...

Good Luck, see you in game

Iluyzhat, 60 Lock
Iluysplat, 36 Mage
Yeah I will definetly be doing a /who to see who is online. I enjoy grouping a lot more than soloing. Its not so much that I'm in a rush to get 60, but in a rush to get past 45 really, because i've done all the quests before and instances. Obviously its with a new class but in essence its the same thing. Getting to do instances like Zul Farrak, Uldaman and Mauradon is what i'm looking forward too Smile


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