Seargent Suervo - Level 54 Rogue
Hey there just applying to The Purge. My name is Suervo I am a 54 Rogue. My talents are currently 30-8-8, by level 60 it will be 30-8-13. I have been looking for a guild for sometime now, but it seems everybody is either not accepting rogues or they have a requirement of level 60, kind of lame. Anyways, I am very friendly and I like to pvp a lot and would love to join the purge and slay some alliance with ya. I heard you guys pvp more than do instances, which is awesome, because doing MC 6 times a week would give me an aneurism lol. I am a 240/240 alchemist/herbalist atm and always give potions away to guildies cuz they are so damn easy to make. Hope i can get an invite asap. See you in game, adios.

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