Timeship - 53 Shaman
Hi, I my name Timeship, I am a level 53 restoration spec’ed shaman. I enjoy running Warsong gulch, helping people through instances, and crafting.

I have played several different MMORPG with “Earth and Beyond” being as the last one I was really into. I have been hesitant to join a guild on WoW because I know how guilds can turn ugly.

Iluyzhat and Xhaos have spoken highly of this guild and have convinced me to apply. They have helped me tremendously. I hope that I can return some of the support they have provided to me by helping all of you. I look forward to grouping with you all. I am on most nights after 6.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
Timeship Wrote:Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

That'll be 5 dollars please
Thanks for the app Time. Luy and Xhaos are both very valuable members of the guild, so you're coming in with some good recommendations. Good luck with the app process. Defianately keep in contact with us, and try to get yourslf in as many purge groups as possible.

See ya in game.
Gameless (for now)
He promised both of us 50g to say good things about him. I really have no clue who he is..... :roll:

NOT!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This guy works with Xhaos and myself, and is really into every part of the game...crafting, BG, PvE, PvP...good guy. We'll hook him up with some guildies and have him group...

Good dude!

and thats my highest praise hehe.

I been bugging him to post the App since he was lv 30 ish and I first joined this group.
i would accept this cool cat. he owns hard
Yea what about my man Timeship any word on the recruitment status?
i dunno what's the status on that, but for the first time i ran in blastedland the other day with xhaos and CourtJester, he was w/ us, we were ambushed by a group of alliances while taking on that bugg'd 58 elite ogres, unfortunately being a hard headed gimp warrior that i am, i aggro'd the room but for the healing that he did, we almost keel'd em all! almost x.x so i'll give him a thumb up =]

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