Warpainted - 60 rogue
I'll start off by saying I have not had any previous experiance in EQ with you guys, as of late I've done countless UBRS runs with kylipso. She's brought a few people from The Purge along with her on the raids and I haven't seen one person who wasn't extraordinary. I just figured I'd put a brief description of my raid history here, as for PVE, I've done MC upto golemagg (7th boss), azuregos, and onyxia. For PVP, I have been on many town raids, I have nearly mastered the art of WSG Tongue, and I love doing AV, my current rep is 3/5 to revered. I had an oppertunity to join Covenant after Flame and Shadow wasn't allowed to raid with them anymore, but instead I declined and am applying for The Purge, I hope that you will seriously consider my application

P.S. /played
Total time played: 54 days
I'll say this for ya, kid: you've got balls. Either that or you're just plain stupid.
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
PLease elucidate,Singularity.
He's the one that tained our MC raid the Saturday Hoku was out of town.
<img src='http://sigs.guildlaunch.net/sig.php/893102aYjot.png' border='0'>
Nuff said...

I've been running instances with alot of the purge lately, I suppose they don't check out application forums as much. I'm sorry you guys don't feel me acceptable in the purge. I wish I could've joined, but I'm not a poor sport, best of luck in the future.
[Image: 9390838iRwko.png]
that took all of 30 seconds Tongue
You may have been running instances with some of us lately,War, but someone who has gone nuts in the past (in a crucial situation) could do so again.
I'll play devils advocate and admit some can reform. While you may feel that you have reformed the greatest memory that most of us have about you has not been overcome by your recent ,self proclaimed, good behavior.

Good luck to you as well.
Yes, I have grouped with Warpainted quite a bit the last week, or so. As much fun as I have with him, I am not one to try and erase bad feelings, or memories from the minds of others. The way to get into a guild consisting of mostly friends and family is to respect the decisions of others. And, I do. Sorry Warped.

[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
I did some WSG a ways back with WP.

Its best he stays out.

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