Probably only interesting to me - a news report about Solyndra destroying millions of dollars worth of 'glass' tubes made for them by a German manufacturer who they still owe for those tubes. Interesting to me because the German company in question is the one I work for. It's not glass either, it is Acrylic - better known as Plexiglas.

Edit: Thread title changed as per Vllad's suggestion. Smile

Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
I love this stuff Z so keep on attaching them.

This is a great example of just bad TV reporting from dumb asses who didn't do their homework.

The trustees who determined they should destroy the freight during a bankruptcy was determined by the people who have the most to lose in this case. A couple of which are the carriers who helped ship all of the crap and the distribution facilities who are going broke storing this crap.

First, if the manufacturer in Germany wanted the goods back they had their chance to get it back during the bankruptcy. They probably so declined because the shipping cost alone would be almost the value of the goods. Plus since this unique technology it is unlikely they could re-sell the goods anyway since Solyndra was unique in its technology. In long run with shipping and storage the manufacturer can't EVER make his money back so it is a no brainer not to take the goods back.

Second, Mr Lucky offering a penny on the dollar for a possible re-sell is probably less then they could get for the recycled glass and/or by the time Mr Lucky gets around to collecting his 400 pallets you just lost more then you got in storage and shipping cost. After everything that has happened no carrier or distribution facility in their right mind is going to move your goods. You sold your goods to Mr Lucky? Good for you, now Mr Lucky can find a way to ship it because we aren't touching it with a ten foot poll. When Mr Lucky finds out it is going to cost him 700k to move those 400 pallets you know what Mr Lucky is going to do? He is going to destroy the glass and get what he can for it which is why SOLYNDRA WAS DOING THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Third, Santa Clara doesn't frigging want 400 pallets of glass no matter how many dissapointed students they put on camera. That was the reporter trying to make a case that doesn't exist.

Finally, if this were R75-14 tires that were on every car in America then maybe you can make a case for re-sell but this isn't tires it is tubes for a solar panel no one bought to begin with.

Most importantly this shows how worthless a journalism major is. If they truly read the documents they posted in their report and actually did some homework they would probably would have come to the same conclusion that destroying the glass was the very best course of action. If we did that though then we wouldn't have a story! OMG!

What kind of asshole works for Germans....

Actually Vllad the material was made here in the US - the company is just owned by Germans. Now I have no idea if the corporate folks looked at it and decided it wasn't worth the trouble or not - it's entirely possible they did. I do know that we (the company, not necessarily my production facility) could have taken that material, reground it, and put it back into the manufacturing process to make something else out of it - the material we made those tubes out of is a standard material we sell for lots of uses. Heck, if I had my way we would never have sold to Solyndra in the first place.

Mostly though I was just entertained at seeing a news report about stuff that my company makes.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
I'm guessing the cost of shipping it back and regrinding it exceeded its value as a raw material.

Though I definitely agree with Vllad about the quality of journalism. It's almost entirely sensationalism. I can only imagine that the first day of Journalism 101 is "Facts don't matter! Clicks on websites matter! Get that through your head and the rest of your career will be a breeze."

I think anyone who has spent more than 1 year in any online gaming forum should get an honorary journalism degree. We know all about sensationalism and how to generate clicks.

(Wrong thread title: "Bounty Hunter DPS is 5% higher than it should be."
The entire news industry is built around this exact concept.)
You need to change the title of this thread to the above title.

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