60 rogue LF mc/pvp
hey guys..some of you might know me in game(dahamalay)...ive been talking to a few of you about possibly joining the guild now that im 60....im a laid back no stress player that will help a guildy in need. I like to pvp whenever and also like to gear.....my current gear is sufficient for mc however i am working on a more solid off-hand which will come shortly.I hope you guys consider my app i know quite a few of you now and you all seem like nice people that work well together....hope to see you in game please send tell to dahamalay 60 rogue if you have any questions or wish to see me in action to help your decision...take care
I've had a few good conversations with you, Dahamalay. You seem like a nice person to me. I don't doubt your rogue skills a bit, but let a few of our guildies see you in action. Smile
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
great to hear flabbo ya if anyone ever wants to PvP with me or run an instance to see how i work plz feel free to ask...
Did you just call Hoku ... Flabbo?

I'd be pissed if I were you Hoku! Confusedhock:


Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
GreenTurnip Wrote:Did you just call Hoku ... Flabbo?

I'd be pissed if I were you Hoku! Confusedhock:



I think he is just trying to butter up Flabbie for a vote.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
maybe thats slang for "you're fat"
Well... I am no tauren, if that's what you mean. Then again, neither is Flabbo.

[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!

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