SWTOR Application
Hello, my name is Nick in real life, known was Fyren in the game. I play an Inquisitor Assassin. My current spec is Darkness but I love to play all 3 to change things up. My most comfortable spec though is Darkness. (31/0/10). I am applying because my current guild is basically quitting the game due to boredom, and plus I have played with a few members (Chuu in particular) and have not ran across any bad players from my memory. My play schedule can be a little shaky at times, since I am a Senior in High School I do not get to play until the afternoon but I am usually on unless I have homework to do. Weekends I am also on non-stop with my buddy Haniibal who also is applying. Just fair warning, I am a little disgruntled with the game right now am only logging on for dailies and some days not even finishing them completely. I hope this is not an issue as I am expecting once I am with active players and a larger community this shall fade away and I can get back to enjoying the game.

(I read that whole post you said applicants should read)
Fyren, the Purge is more than just a Star Wars guild we are a large group of players that play multiple games together. If you like us and the players you might just find yourself in the next game that comes out playing with us again. By all means get yourself in our vent channel, just ask anyone online if you can join us and group up. Looking forward to meeting you in game.

All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
Hey Fyren, come join us on vent and play some games with us. As with your disclaimer, we have the same. Most of our players are MIA as well. We have about 4-6 players on every night and generally only PvP. But we are always looking for competent PvPers to hang with. Hopefully when 1.2 goes live and/or when people finish the horrible ending of Mass Effect 3 we will see a resurgence. But like Karne says, we have been gaming together for over a decade now and move from game to game.
Awesome. I will try to find some people to play with this weekend. So far this week I have been so backed up with work that needs to be done plus the fact that I am currently a bit bored with the game so I am really only on for dailies and nothing else. Hopefully though like you mentionede Breand when 1.2 comes out I will be in full swing again.
Grouped with Fyren for a couple quick WZ matches. He is a very good player. Didn't get him into Vent, but from what I could tell in chat, he seemed to be a good guy.

Fyren, as others here have said, and as we discussed briefly in whispers, our in-game numbers for Star Wars are down quite a bit lately. Maybe 1.2 will bring a few folks back. And as Karne mentioned, this guild is involved in a lot of MMOs.

We should give Fyren strong consideration. We could use some more good players.

aka Jobatt
yeah sorry I didn't join you guys, I got asked to help finish EV Hard Mode with an allied guild, which never, ever happens so I jumped on it.

If you're on tonight, Ill get you guys in the guild.

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