Hi i just came from Deepstrike and as i've read in RIFT Forums its a PvP Heavy shard.
Therefore i try to give it a shot. But i found most guilds are PvE Guilds which is the opposite of what i've read.
Im more of a PvP player than PvE. P40 Fully Geared/Reputations.
Would always be available for Opvp or WFs (Well thats all i do and im loving it!)
My playtimes are usualy bout 6-7Pm server time (3-4 hours weekdays/till i drop on weekends)
More of a Teamplayer than a Soloist. Cause if i wont be a Mage if i wanna solo. I'll rather be a VK War Big Grin
Well thats all.
Have a nice day Smile
O Great Elowyn. Now i cant pm you in-game cause i have to be your added friend? Ignored?
Big Grin After wasting my time applying and you put me on ignore. Great! A perfect Guild for anyone not to join.
Thankgod im not accepted.
Thats all i can say. Have a nice day Big Grin
Apply to join Pffft! lol!
What is this I don't even....

Burnt to a crisp.
uh... what..? I don't even have my husband on ignore and he's the one that annoys me the most.. what the hell Tongue
Sounds like someone we DEFINITELY need in the guild.
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
well.. ya'll know what a mean nasty person I am, I musta did it and forgot.. ya...
That's the message you get when you try to message someone ingame when they are on logged on via mobile.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
a stunning first impression. I'm curious to see whether this applicant is going to try to dig himself out of this hole or not.

New World: Snowreap
Life is Feudal: Snowreap Iggles, Taralin Iggles, Preyz Iggles
Naval Action: Taralin Snow, Snowy Iggles
EQ2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Taralin, Disruption, Preyz, Taralynne, Snowy, Snowz
ESO: Snowreap, Yellowtail
PS2: Snowreap
GW2: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Taralynne
RIFT: Snowreap, Yellowtail, Preyz, Taralin, Snowy
PotBS (British): Taralin Snow, Taralynne Snow, Snowy Iggles, Edward Snow
PotBS (Pirate): Taralin Snowden, Taralynne Snowden, Redshirt Snowden
WW2O: Snowreap
WAR: Snowreap, Preyz, Lbz, Leadz, Snowz, Taralin, Snowmeltz, Yellowtail, Snowbankz
APB: Snowreap, Sentenza
STO: Snowreap@Snowreap, Snowz@Snowreap
AoC: Yellowtail, Snowreap, Snowstorm, Redshirt
WoW (Horde): Snowreap, Savagery, Baelzenun, Wickedwendy, Taralin, Disruption, Scrouge, Bette
WoW (Alliance): Yellowtail, Wickedwendy, Snowreap
AC1: Snowstorm, Yellowtail, Shirt Ninja, Redshirt
[Image: outlook-not-so-good.jpg&sa=X&ei=f9pqT8Gs...LK_ffXSNlg]
SteamID - sharpasmarbles
"How not to apply to a guild" by: Vor

At first glance, it looked good, but the ending was really anticlimactic.
Gameless (for now)
OrsunVZ Wrote:At first glance, it looked good, but the ending was really anticlimactic.
Sounds like a first date with O-face
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
... yeah, that about sums it up. I'm old, O-face sleepy-time trumps all!
Gameless (for now)
Is it in yet?
Adimenti Wrote:Is it in yet?
That's what she said.
It's Adi...shouldn't that be "that's what HE said"?
Rizxen - Master of Clones
Gameless (for now)

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