60 shaman, 60 rogue Inseek of potential guild!!!
as mentioned above, I'm looking for potential guild which has the capability to raid High End Instance such as MC and ZG or large scale PvP.
I'm malaysian chinese, english is my 3rd language, but i guess you guys can understand me well, I've been 60 quite a long time, well, My current guild seems still far away from those high end instance, and most of lvl 60 character were all left and join other guild. :cry: sigh... pretty sad... everytime i log on, thinking"well, maybe today I'll try gank some alliance in WPL, EPL, Sorrow Hill, or taste some young blood in STV, or join the AB.... " these kinda thing. Ganking is fun, but I would like to get involve into some other thing or activities like MC or ZG raid or AV raid. I hope you guys know how does it feel like I did.. Sad , thanks for reading. :lol: [/b]
Fresh Meat!!!
Find some purgies to group with and get to know em!

anyone who ganks is a friend of mine Smile
character names?
Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
1.character name:Roughneck[shaman]

2.character name:Sabrice[rogue]
Fresh Meat!!!
Ni Hao!

Yeah, as has been said already, contact us in game so you can get into some of our groups. Then once people get to know you better, they can post their feelings here, and vouch for you.

I wish you luck in the application process. See you in game.
Gameless (for now)
Ive grouped with roughy in the past.
*Volktars Seal Approval*
Thank you Vol... appreciate that ^_^, hmm I'll try to group with u guys as much as i can.. hehe
Fresh Meat!!!
for a 3rd language Id say you handle English better than most people who have it as the first language Wink

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