Hey all
Hey guys hows it going, long time no see or speak. I have been leveling my lock alt who is approaching 50 and who will soon be my m ain (corruption > stealth IMO)

Anyhow, I was wondering if I could speak to an officer about applying again for guild membership/guild merger. I still regret not joining with guild the first time but alas I was outvoted by a huge margin and I chose to remain loyal to my guildmates. As it turns out, many core members have left and are leaving for guilds that can offer more to them at 60. Most of the members that voted no to a guild merger are the ones leaving, some without notice(not intended as a flame, best of luck to them).

So now that my point of view is in the majority again I was hoping we could discuss the possibility of re-applying or maybe even questing / pvping for a while. Four more levels and I will be in AV shouting kill Korrak!(jk) and hope to see you guys there. Its been 4 months since last AV game for me and despite all its flaws its the closest to what I like about PVP.

Ill be logging on later as Eobi and or Anuksa and message me if you will, I should be in AB or I will be questing(dodging) the million or so Alliance in Tanaris.


Yes yes you have my vouch, I would love to have you. Hurry the hell up and contact me. =D
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Eobi!!! much <3 Smile
Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
Eobi was my Guild Master before I was in Purge. He is a great guy! And he has a damn fine Rogue. /thumb up\ /thumb up\

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