Batman was mediocre.
..and that is being generous.
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
I have yet to see it myself, but a lot of my friends are saying similar. Im really not that surprised. I can't think of a single trilogy where the third one could match up to the first.
Patrick - 7X GM Dexxer (retired)
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Could argue Lord of the Rings (certainly based on Oscars), although I still prefer the first. And Revenge of The Sith was least worst of the second Star wars trilogy. Smile
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
My friend and I that saw batman had a hard time understanding what Bane was saying in that mask with that accent. I was picking it up later in the film. Sure, some explosions and Batman's new toy were cool. It just didn't blow me away like the one with the joker but then again he is one of my favourite villains.
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The bomb counting down angered me. Wow, neat plot device, how innovative. Douchey.
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
I thought it was pretty good. I would have to say that all in all the batman trilogy was not an epic fail like matrix and spiderman.
Women's best makeup are their smiles.
While I agree that this final installment was not near as good as the first two, I still quite enjoyed it.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
I called Talia right away when she was caring about the environment and balance and all that.

Also, Anne Hathaway in spandex resolves all plot flaws in the film.
I didn't see Talia coming, but I should have - Raz al Ghul has a daughter, not a son!

Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman just didn't work for me. In my head she'll always be Shia LaBeouf's big sister.

The biggest problem with this Batman movie, though, was that it wasn't really a Batman movie - it was a Bruce Wayne movie, and while I'm not going to drop another $11 to go see the movie again to actually time it, I'm willing to bet Christian Bale had more screen time out of the mask than in it.
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Chain Wrote:Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman just didn't work for me. In my head she'll always be Shia LaBeouf's big sister.

You're thinking of Christy Ramano

Jakensama Wrote:Also, Anne Hathaway in spandex resolves all plot flaws in the film.

I concur
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
I was skeptical about Anne Hathaway playing Cat Woman, but I thought she did a good job.
Ninjagoat Wrote:
Chain Wrote:Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman just didn't work for me. In my head she'll always be Shia LaBeouf's big sister.

You're thinking of Christy Ramano
So I am.

I was a teenage girl when Even Stevens was playing, what's your excuse? Tongue
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
I was also a teenager when it was running. And christy ramano is hawt!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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