GW2 app. Kreme = vouch
Game name is Pipkinite. Been playing with Kreme for more than a decade

Experience: like many of you, I have played a lot of games on many servers. I probably know many of you already, hooray.

Bottom line: let's get some gear and pvp

RL friend of mine. Goes back to our VZ days. Been gaming with him since EQ release and many many games since.
Yeah have known Kreme since middle school, we're both in our 30's now and still little gamers. He's a cop, I'm a nurse, and to be honest we shoulda just opened that taco and beer stand in Australia like I wanted to 8 years ago ...or 12? Anyway, game opens in what, less than 10 hours? See ya online
Pipkinite Wrote:we shoulda just opened that taco and beer stand in Australia like I wanted to 8 years ago ...or 12?
Pfff, ya coulda been millionaires by now! =P
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Chain Wrote:
Pipkinite Wrote:we shoulda just opened that taco and beer stand in Australia like I wanted to 8 years ago ...or 12?
Pfff, ya coulda been millionaires by now! =P

Gett'em drunk and sell them authentic mexican tacos from a stand on the beach? pthh more like bazillionaires. ;p
Especially in Perth. That place is rediculously expensive.

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