skelywarrior 60 war
Hi i would realy liek to join this guild alot since ive seen them doing so many raids that i do so heavily with those pug groups. I am a 60 war arms build miner/blacksmith 160/150 Ive got a few friends in here that ive run raids with before. I do know that if we run mc or something the guy with the highest dkp will get it and i will jsut wait patiently for my turn. Furthermor i am a great guy if ur a great guy to me and im chill and totally non-dramtic. I hope i can join Itll be great! Big Grin
skelywarrior Wrote:Itll be great! Big Grin

Group with purgies and get vouchers Smile


"i was talking to the computer all day ...."


"... And?!"

"he hates me Sad "
LoL ive grouped wiht kylspo and shes pretty good and her daughter chain
Skely, we appreciate the app ,but at this time we feel you aren't a good fit.

Take care and good luck to you.
Sorry Skely, the decision has been made. Hopefully there are no hard feelings. I'd group with you any day. Smile
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!

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