Leina Incendius
Hey there!

I've seen you guys around alot in WvW and then came across your post on the Emery Bay forums. Here is my app:

Name: Leina Incendius (Leina.6752 is my account name)
Games: EQ, EQ2, WoW, Rift, GW2 (I've checked out ALOT more, but these are the ones that stuck for more than a few days)

I am 38 and have been gaming for many, many years. I have a young daughter and I work full time + more work. I teach, so I don't often log in on weekdays, but I am all over weekends! My husband also plays with me (he has been mmorpging since UO and is an avid tradeskiller ...).

Guild Wars 2 is my first experience with PvP and I (and hubby) LOVE WvW. We are really excited about your guild because it sounds like it will allow us to live our lives AND have fun with a solid group in WvW.

I have no one to vouch that I am not an asshat. I'm not though Big Grin

25 Elementalist, BTW ... and happy to heal (though I'm LOVING not being a dedicated healer as is my usual role and have been playing with fire)
If you don't know anyone in guild, your best bet is to find the Purge in game - we've been primarily hanging in the Ehmry Bay Boarder Lands - and just run with us until someone feels confident enough to tender a vouch Big Grin
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Thanks, I am patiently waiting for a spot in Emery Bay Borderlands ....
Leina Wrote:25 Elementalist, BTW ... and happy to heal (though I'm LOVING not being a dedicated healer as is my usual role and have been playing with fire)
Fire! I like her already.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
Hi Leina, I think you may have rezzed me once or twice in WvW. I'm PMing our TeamSpeak info to you, log in when you are doing some WvW. You'll be making fun of Skelas with the rest of us in no time!
Thank you! My week is CRAZY so far, but I'll catch you guys over the weekend, if not sooner.

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