LV 52 Warlock looking for a great group
hello all.. sorry im not to good at writing letters etc.. but ill just let it flow. this is my first and only chacater and i fell in love with the lock.. now i must admit i never wanted to play these kinds of games.. (games like everquest, ultima online) the reason being is i knew i would fall in love with it and have to play atleast once per day.. now my brother, his names toadstool lev 60 war, hes the one who got me into this game and tought me what to do .. pretty much showed me the ropes. sadley he doesnt play much anymore.. and i want something he tells me your guild is one of the best PVP guilds out there! i would love to go on raids, or even farm for the better of the guild.. and being 52 i could use some good leadership to further teach me more.... i left a good clan when i played Athena sword/raven shield.. as mention above i like this game too much and no one in my old clan will convert from a first person shooter.

anyhow.. let me introduce myself.. names Matt.. i live in Va Beach and i graduated from UK (go wildcats). if anyone a PIKE (PI Kappa Alpha let me know Smile) anyhow im 26 years old and i work now at Cingular.. (hopefully no one has any phone problems.. i hear it all day long, Smile dont want this to have a negative mark on my application) now from reading some other posts, i too love ventrillo/teamspeak. cant wait to pull out the ole headset again and have fun palying some games..

well i dont want to write too much and look foward to hearing from someone.. some final thoughts again is i want to learn from experienced players and in time teach some "younger" ones.. im not the most experienced player but i know when i reach that level i wont forget my roots.. i think thats one of my biggest strengths is helping others.. im not talking about helping Alts but real people who could use a little help.. theres alot of clans with 60's all over the place.. but when a 20 or 30 even 40 and 50 see you take them and give them a shot.. for a most part they are there to stay.. well hope to see you all around.. send me a pst, or in game email.. yankees are losing so now i must what happens..


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Shoota' will return
I'm use Sprint. REJECTED!

Just kidding :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
I hate Cingular. SO BAD. Sorry, but you won't be able to get my vote with that name.

(unless you can come up with a REALLY good back story that hides the fact you named your char after the worst wireless company in the known universe)

i swear i just hit the random name button and this is what it came up with! 8) nahh i really dont know why i pick this name.. im normally named "Shoota'" but someone already took that name :? plus its not a bad place to work for.. pays the bills ...but geez.. Cingular isnt that bad guys .. haha surley theres some people in you alls group that has and like the reliable service Cingular offers .. :wink: raising the bar or something like that...
Shoota' will return
Did this just turn into an advertisment?

can you hear me???

can you hear me NOW???
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 78/yes.wmv</a><!-- m -->
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Cingular Wrote:Cingular isnt that bad guys .. haha surley theres some people in you alls group that has and like the reliable service Cingular offers .. :wink: raising the bar or something like that...

No. And don't call me Shirley.
OMG I get good cingular service!!!

NO!!! I don't mean it like that Lowk... stfu ASS!

seriosuly though, good luck with the app process, I'll see you in game )))
Gameless (for now)
I have a 52 warrior named Breandan I play almost full time now. Look me up and we can do some quests together. Ive been running Ungoro and Badlands of late.
How's about:
Thanks man ill defiantly look you up.. being 52 im at those awkward years and don’t know too many people doing the same stuff.. everyone’s up killing 500 foot dragons and stuff.. look forward to killing with ya 8)
Shoota' will return
hey all its me again.. i applied two months ago and want to reapply. well i wont go into too much detail for the posts above. but of course im 60 lock now and just love PVPing..(blood guard curently) i feel i had to get somewhat better, since this was my first char, just to be in such an overwelmingly popular guild.

well i wont go into too much "uberness" cause i hate people who do that.. but gear wise im ok.. 300 enchanting/herb etc.. uhh other then that im just looking foward to playing.. im a simple guy. well again im some what quiet so most people probaly dont know who i am..but with a chance i can prove you will not be making a bad decsion accepting my app. look foward in hearing from some of you guys and ill see you all in game.

thanks again,

Shoota' will return

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