Bosslox, 60 warrior
Hello Purge...Well i am a orc warrior, i have been donig many runs of all the instancesto get my gear and i got some good gear..nothin great tho...i play abo9ut 6-10 hours a day...more on the weekends cause school gives me limits...i am interested in high end instance such as MC, Ony, and ZG...i also pvp alot (well recently i have). I am an Arms/Fury build atm...aka The cookie cutter Smile This is not my first Character tho...i have a 60 UD priest on a diff server but i dont play him go really guild was up to the third boss in BWL when i stoped playing...well i hope i can join u guys and gals to pwn some Alli and do some pve

Grouped w/ Boss 3 times in AB today. Last run he took charge of the pick up group and led everyone to a solid win. Seems to understand the big picture, leads well but also follows direction without asking questions. From what I saw he has a good attitude.

I let him know we're a PvP focused group and light on the PvE. He said that's what he's looking for. Assuming he won't get frustrated that we don't do more PvE he has my vote.
i grped with him almost all day today in AB. no probs and he didn't have to be told what to do. he played some solid games of AB most of which we won.

just your friendly neighborhood
yea what psycho said.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
Sharp kid.

Flab seal of approval.

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