Corvin-lvl 60 warrior
Hi my name is Joe, my char is corvin not to much to say i like to play wow, work on in MC or any other "big" raids, other then that i play football for my school like to go to the gym (if any of you ladies would like to know Wink ) lol other then that ive been in alot of groups with you guys for Ab, went to Zg with you guys and thats about it
Yay! Hi Corvin =)
need to take down my app iam sorry there is no delete button or anything but my friend IRL just got his account off of his bro because he is heading to college and i was going to join the guild that he is in, seeing as i see him everyday in school sorry
well if you still want in you have my vote. I have been in alot of those grps with ya and i like your style. i've killed lots of alli's with you on my team. see you in game soon bro

just your friendly neighborhood
Noooooooo!!! You want to join us Corvin!!!!!
Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock: You are getting sleepy Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock: You will join Purge Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
Legio Decima Equitata
<img src="" border=0>

I have heard you intend to go RS now because of your bud. I think you would be happier here, you seem to be on the same PVP page as alot of us.


PS. Walk your own path though, hope to see you around again.
just have your buddy app with us too Tongue

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