Blackberry Z10
Anyone have experience with this unit? My Iphone contract is almost up, and I'm thinking I'd like to give either the Galaxy or the Z10 a try. I've heard nothing but good things about the Galaxy, but I liked my Blackberry I had a few years ago.
Get the Nexus, the BB has only a fraction of apps and, lets face it - no one is going to develop for a dying ecosystem.
I hear there's a super cool Iwatch coming out, and i'm betting it's only 6-700 bucks, you should wait for that.

Burnt to a crisp.
You might also look at the HTC One X. I think Verizon carries the "HTC Droid DNA" that looks good as well.

Not real sure of the pros and cons of HTC vs Samsung, but they all look like slick phones.
HTC Sense UI was kind of bloated when I used it, but that was a couple years ago in Krautland. The Galaxy line is good because you are getting stock Android without all the extraneous crap you normally have to root away.
I wouldn't touch BB with a 10 foot pole. I'd stick with Android over Iphone, but I hate apple so... and the Nexus & HTC Droid DNA are two of the best Android phones, so stick with them if you have the $.
I don't own kid gloves.

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From a work perspective, I miss my BB from 4 years ago.... But I use a droid 4 now (for Work I want a physical keyboard). They have a Droid Photon that I think is an upgrade to the droid 4. I'm very happy with it.

For something without a keyboard, the Samsung Galaxy is pretty awesome. Several of my employees went this route and they are happy. I been tempted to check out the Samsung Note 2, but its huge. However having multi task on the screen along with some pretty cool writing recognition is tempting. Ive played with it several times in the store.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

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