urial 60 warrior :)
well i got 60 now and ive come to put my app a fresh new start ive met alot more purges and ive been in raids avs and bgs with them and its all good i turn to arms spec so i can pvp alot easyer and its alot better im liking it hope to hear from ya soon Smile
mispost, sorry urial Wink
i didnt get rejected just didnt know enought purges for vouchys ive grouped with more now Im not that young 18 but ive never used grammer wasnt the best at school im in a carpentry job now.No need for grammer lol but thats how u feel well then thats how u feel Smile
Plus most people i have talked to said get 60 and reapply sorry if i seem like trouble Breand but im not Smile

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