Starwars Edge of the Empire PnP RPG
So you Starwars & RPG geeks out there, tell me some interesting alternate realities that would be a fun setting for a neutral party to play in (no one faction is all powerful). Its looking like if I want to get a game together now I'll have to be the one running it. Heres what I've got so far...

1) Emperor, Darth Vader & Luke all die at Endor. Palpatine is dead for good and does not transfer his life essence. Grand Admiral Thrawn takes command of the remnant forces and manages a stalemate with New Republic after 7 turns into a cold war with divided territories. The Hutts grabbed large swaths of more territory during these years.

2) Luke joins his father Darth Vader at Bespin and they plan an attack on the Emperor but fail. An Imperial civil war starts and the galaxy is in chaos. The divided empire's attention is quite distracted so this game would be Jedi friendly.

3) A one-armed Mace Windu convinces Grand Admiral Thrawn to defect to the nearly defeated Rebel ALliance after the Deathstar destroys Yavin, Kashyyyk and Dac. The Katana Fleet manages to cripple the Deathstar in an epic fleet battle but not completely destroy it.

4) Anakin gives in to Mace Windu and helps kill Palpatine. Both are tried for breaking the Jedi code and imprisoned/exiled. The separatist war drags on and more and more systems leave the Old Republic, its a hayday for gansters and pirates.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
- Clones steal various cloning facilities and wage war on non-clones after the clone wars. Similar story could be for droids or have a computer like virus/life form destroy all technology it touches (replicators from SG?).

EotE is a fun RPG. I'm running a campaign now and its agreed that its mechanics make for fun times. Thanks Diggles for the crack...
Additionally, I had thought of allowing my group to effect the trilogy directly to create the alternate universe. Say they don't do something and it sets of a chain reaction of events that changes what the movies portray. Something like they've somehow killed or delayed Admiral Ozzel and Thrawn is put in charge of the Hoth assault and none escapes leading to an alternate storyline. Or the players capture or steal R2-D2 before the battle at Jabba's Palace thus Luke doesn't have a lightsaber and is slowly digested in the Sarlacc.
Heres my group's campaign page. Any feedback is appreciated. The Players have kinda been lazy filling out their character stuff. but let me know how everything else is

We play from 6:30 pm - 10. I heavily modified the stock adventure in the Core Rulebook to cater to their backgrounds but its gone a bit slower than I thought. We'll be playing 3rd and final session for that adventure Thursday.
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Hrm. Do you find writing it up like that helps you and your group? I may have to check with my group to see if they'd want something like this.

I just started using the star wars opening scroll plus I have music.
yes, logs help a ton. especially for groups that do not play that often, as far as remembering what has happened and keeping track of objectives/npcs
Plus its fun for others to read your story. I often read other games blogs and find a piece to steal or inspired by.

And I'm not the one writing the logs, its always the players. They have to decide among them who has to do it that week
[should not have shot the dolphin]

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