Hello All,

My name is Halor, a level 42 Tuaren Shaman. /moo !

A little background before I respectfully request consideration of my application to The Purge.

I played EQ for about 5 years, starting off on Quellious as a Human Warrior before moving to Lanys and become a Dark Elf Cleric. I've been a part of some great guilds and met alot of great people.

After losing interest in EQ (finally broke that addiction!), I found DAOC where I was with a great guild on Percival, Midgard - Fist of the North. DAOC was a great game but I couldn't get into the PVE aspect much. RvR action was fantastic. I eventually lost interest and waited for the next big thing.

So WoW was it. And here I am Smile

I am an experienced player. I have a level 60 MC Mage, a level 55 Warlock, 40 Rogue on my Alliance server. I have a 42 Mage on another Horde server that I have no desire to revisit! And currently I have a level 42 Shaman and 23 Warrior on Crushridge.

I've always liked Horde more... too bad us Hordies lost the vote by 1 when our guild was deciding on whether to be Alliance or Horde!

Anyway, I am currently a member of Ogar Dejad, of which they are good people but not as active and there aren't too many of! As an active player I seek friends in which to have fun and slaughter Alliance with. So when I began to look around, Eggo suggested that I put my App in with The Purge.

After reviewing your code of conduct and what your guild is about, I feel that we would be a fine match due to the similarities that exist from my previous guilds. I have always valued the player more than the toon. Friendship over loot (my last EQ guild we actually would destroy an item if there was any dispute over it and if the dispute couldn't be resolved nice like). Loot and gold can be replaced, friends are hard to make and even harder to keep.

First chance I get I will /join your applicant channel.

*edit* Almost forgot! Whats in it for you? Why, you get a cute cuddley Tauren, who will stomp Alliance in the face on your command!

ps. I heal pretty good too... for a Shammy >.<


Halor....great app. The best way to get into the Purge is to look into getting into groups with people around your level. Let them know you are an applicant.

i've got a lvl 48 warrior im attempting to help power to 60 .. hurry up and level and then group with me Smile

shmobiggles is my only charcter - 60 hunter

beefboss is my buddies character that i'm helping level - 48 warrior Smile

either one is fine

I actually have a 43 warrior alt... Look up Destration if ya get the chance and we can roll together... Word
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...
Thanks for the response guys, I've spoken with Court already and we've made plans for tomorrow to tear it up, Alliance beware!

Hope to see some of you soon.



Glad to see your app! This cow has my vote 100%
It'll be great to have ya =D

I have a 44 Mage, Iluysplat...so look me up as well...

Quote:ps. I heal pretty good too... for a Shammy >.<

OMG!!!! A shammy that can heal????? NEVER!!! It's against the rules, or so I'm told.....

LOL...look me up.

Iluyzhat Wrote:
Quote:ps. I heal pretty good too... for a Shammy >.<

OMG!!!! A shammy that can heal????? NEVER!!! It's against the rules, or so I'm told.....

Great, thanks for letting the secret we can heal out, now they are going to expect the rest of us to do it.
Splat! Great name for a Mage LOL, definately add ya to the friends list when I get on next. Think I have everyone who has replied to me so far on it, I'll try not to make a nuisance of myself however. Tongue

Quote:Great, thanks for letting the secret we can heal out, now they are going to expect the rest of us to do it.

DOH! I was just trying make myself look good (cause I am vain like that!), please forgive this noob shaman for breaking the first rule about Shaman Healage /beg

pssst none of you saw that I can heal... got it? NO ONE MUST KNOW! it'll be our lil sekrit >.<
/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]
"Pay no attention to the Jakensama behind the curtain, the great Zhat has spoken!"

Actually don't worry about that secret, the one Jakensama
is worried about is he's a closet Pally!


Zhat, Splat
I guess I could be a pally since I am such a great Shaman that I pretty much have invulnerability shield up 24/7. Thanks!
Oi.. He's definitely got my vote... Good guy, this one.. Defintely Purge material...
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...
The Alliance zerg in Tanaris fear us Court Smile
/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]
hells yeah they do... Wait till I get back, we'll see what's up... I like tearin shi* up in tanaris... Good times.. I'm out at sea right now so I'll be back this weekend...
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...
No worries, I've been offline a bit lately due to work as well. And Holidays are coming up so I will be on the road visiting fam and friends. Smile

Doing a new harddrive (10k RPM SATA hawt!)/OS install tonight or tomorrow so I hope to have WoW up and running by mid-day saturday. I'll try to catch ya on then.


/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]
Hey Halor...

I'm also a tauren shaman, currently 53. Look me up and we'll tear some stuff up together.

Tauren Shaman
Bleeding Hollow
World of Warcraft

Prophet Steppezhe Goreclaw (retired)
65 Iksar Shaman of Cabilis
<Xanit K'ven> : <Aduentus>
Vallon Zek, EverQuest

Sounds like a plan!

Doing a major UI overhaul now that I have a new harddrive and OS build.

10K RPM drive screams! It installed XP in 10 min from the CD 0.0

Any recommendations for shaman mods? I need a good totem manager... I am looking at using/configuring the following:

Main Interface:
Mobile Frames
Visibility Options
Jason's Letterbox Mod

Optional Mods:
Item Rack

Raid Functions:

Ace + AceGUI

I'll post a screenie when I am done Wink
/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]

The purge is preparing to do some instances to gear up its members. This would be a great oportunity for you to group with some purges and get some face time.

Be looking for a notice for dates and times .. i'll try and post well ahead of time Smile

Cool, I'll keep my eyes peeled. I am out for 4 days on Wed due to Holidays, but I should be all set once i get back Smile
/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]
All I gots to say is:


/moo in the face!
[Image: Halor.png]

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