Applying to The Purge
I'm not exactly sure how to apply for the World of Warcraft Guild The Purge, but hopefully someone can help me sort this out. I am a 57 undead rogue that has been in The Mutiny and Obsidian. I enjoy PvP and raids and hope to be a participating Molten Core raider, as i have heard you have beaten the first four bosses. Please message me on my character in game, Trainedstud, if I am accepted. Thank you!
Do you roll over and play dead?
you should teach pinch that trick, Karne. NERF HUNTER PETS!!

as far as the applicant, tell us a bit about your char, build, ability to turn guild chat into the barrens chat, etc.
"Nuthin gets me goin like a huge lizard chasin a cow..."
Darkschnider Wrote:you should teach pinch that trick, Karne. NERF HUNTER PETS!!

as far as the applicant, tell us a bit about your char, build, ability to turn guild chat into the barrens chat, etc.

specially the part about the barrens in /g we're REAL good at that one.

nevermind...I'm dead
i was cleaning up some today and i got some dirt on my shoes and i was all like TINA GET THIS DIRT OFF MY SHOES, nm im dirty

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