57 Undead Rogue wanting to join The Purge.
I'm a 57 Undead Rogue looking to join a high end game guild. Iv'e been in guild's before. My last guild merged with Furvos Latros. I didn't want to join that guild i wanted a better guild. Iv's never ninja'd somethging before and I don't plan to. I get on when I can one of my computers broke down and In Febuary I will get another so I'll be on more. Hope you accept me.
The Purge is mostly a PvP guild, with the occasional PvE thrown in for fun. Even though we have done very, very well in ZG/MC (Garr died terribly last night), you won't find raids like this but a couple times a week, just so you're aware and not disappointed.

Now, if it's PvP you're looking for, then that is different....
Whats your in game character name?
Ask me about my shardsac.

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