51 First Sergeant Shaman App!
Hello everyone, I was told i should throw my app up so here it is Smile

~Some Basic Info~

Well it basically is stated in the subject heh

I grouped with some purge already and have some RL friends in guild already there names are dialtone, dravend, I also grouped with Beefboss, Mondor,shmobiggles,Kriticos, and they were all cool and it was fun.. I have not gotten to PVP With you all yet but i do PVP ALOT and i feel i would be very helpful to the guild with anything im always on so feel free to give me a tell anytime see you all soon.

~Violate~ Smile
I will vouch for him. I grouped with him for a Sunken Temple and Mauradon run and we had a blast. Good shammie!!!
Thanks Mondor heh Big Grin
lets group up some more Smile

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