49 Undead Priest
Hello everyone. I'm a Baddie still (was taking a break from the game back when the merger happened), and thought I'd apply over since everyone is gone! Smile

I've of course got old Traja (level 60 undead rogue), but he's mostly retired. I'm currently leveling my priest, Isbalin, (49 undead) for endgame PvE/PvP.

Traja / Isbalin
Hi !

Good to see you again. One of the old names has returned =D
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Traja has my full support as Im sure he does plenty of other former BBBs.
Old BBB should get auto invite if I recall. /slaps Skelas for not mentioning this.
Yes..Old BBB are in...Ask in game for invte..
You didnt need to apply mark, just had to ask someone. Smile
Skelas asked me and I forgot Traja had been with us in BBB. My bad.

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