Tarnek lvl 60 Tauren Hunter
Hello all, I believe a good bunch of you know me. I was very recently in Undead and Fabulous. As there have been some issues, I started to take a look, and while I loved them as a whole, I started thinking that Purge would be a better fit for me overall.

This is not meant to create any more harsh feelings between the two guilds, or drama at all. I know you can never make some people happy, /shrug oh well, we will take it as it goes.

I have raided with purge as a member of UnF over the last month or so, so I believe most raiders know my name/my play style.

Just hoping I can get to know some of you better, and see how it goes.
Got my vote. Good Hunter, and Purge class individual.

I gave my thumbs down in the Internal application thread Tongue (j/k)
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
Heya Tarnek... you of course have my vote.

Very classy app, by the way. It's good when someone will maturely look at the situation and make a responsible decision rather than create a buttload of drama.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)
Agreed. Moo to you =) :wink:
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Yo Tarnek!
Certified Raid Boss
/agreed vote
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
Thanks for good responses guys!

whoo I just ate a good ass meal, and I'm stuffed!!

Id like to note I won't be able to play wow until Monday when I get internet at my house again. Stupid room mates never changed the internet over to them, so when their x-room mate saw a bill to his name, he canceled it. And it being the holiday, they were unable to get someone out until monday Sad

I will be at work friday, so I can visit boards then, but no WOW until monday Sad

I'm gonna be sooo angry if I don't get bloodguard on tuesday(I was just a smidgeon from it this week)
It might make you feel better to know that I'm laughing at you, not with you.

Well, it makes me feel better. :roll:
Certified Raid Boss

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