Zephyrs 60 Shaman
Hi My name Is Zephyrs a lvl 60 Tauren Shaman. Since I was on my mothers teet I was a baby with rabies, but the milky foam around my mouth is clearing up so I figure I need to escape now before the other kids start to notice. Since many of the other ex rabies cases have
joined up with Purge I know you provide a good home.

What can I say about me? I like long walks on southshore beach, catching the boat and riding it wherever it may be squashing
alliance as it goes. Other favorite alliance squishing places are Arathi Basin since the Frostwolf people think I am Exhalted. When
not squishing Alliance I dream of going to MC (attuned already) BWL (attuned already) or giving a good slap down on Onyxia (have her bedroom key.)

Some Purge who would know me and my vouch for me are Elindra, Anuksa, Torami the drunk hunter, basically any ex BwR.

P.S when we gonna get Torami to train Lord Kazzak to Stormwind? :twisted:
first of all is exalted, may people get annoyed with it, I dont personally, just thought i would be the first to point it out
Kakarat Keys ~ Thief ~ Guild Wars 2
Kakarat ~ Shaman ~ WoW ~
Kakarat ~ Witch Hunter ~ WAR:AoR
Riona ~ Knight of the Blazing Sun ~ WAR:AoR
Kakarat ~ Swashbuckler ~ EQ2 ~ Venekor
Eef Eigten[F-18]~ 60 Aracoix Rogue ~ Shadowbane
Kakarat ~ 60 Ogre Warrior ~ EQ ~ VZ
Kakarat is just angry because he heard you were a healing shaman and he doesn't understand that aspect of his class. So far we love all the BwR folks be sure to get one of those guys to post about you in our internal forums and we will process this application expeditiously.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
I know some issues have come up fairly recently in our recruiting about having too many of a certain class... well, I think it's time we started to review how many 60's we have whose names start with certain letters of the alphabet. Admittedly, there are letters that technically have many more members than the letter "z", but given some of those people's playtime, and the relative usage of the letter z in common (which is of course what we speak IRL) I'd say that we have *Far* too many names that start with Z.

Having considered the matter further I would like to pre-empt any possible solution for this problem that Rallick might come up with, and say "ya know what, who cares! Zephyrs is great!"
[Image: 9390838iRwko.png]
I get kicked in the head a lot so's my learnin not so good sometimes.
now I know da exalted better, I'll try and be more edumacated.

As for healing ive got a pretty good collection of +dmg and healing items for a total of somewhere around +150. Although I generaly prefer going with the big mace and % to crit gear for pure fun. I change mode as needed.

Heck i agree we have to many members with the name beginging with in Z . In fact 1 to many rogues in perticular. You have my vote to take his spot.

As long as we have no more Mori's then its all good. Don't know if Rhoh could handle 3 in one AB group. Hope to see you tagged soon!
Morideth or Moradeth or any version some asshat hasn't stolen yet.

"And on the seventh day, when god was sastified of what he created, he sent Felguards to WTFPWN the shit out of it!"

Not Everyone Realizes Fairness
Although I know that I myself am new to the guild, I have to chip in my 2 cents and say that Zephyrs is several different shades of awesome. I've played MMORPGs with him since we were nothing but n00bs in EQ. I have nothing but good things to say about Zeph. Zeph is a RL friend, and as an advantage, if he ever gets out of hand I can physically walk over to him and smack him for you, and vice versa (we're roommates).
BWR with a RL connection and vouge, sounds like a shoo-in
[Image: 9390838iRwko.png]
Stupid Zeeroh. It's not "Zee". It's ZED!!!! Get it right. Tongue

Keeping <The Purge> alive in Azeroth.
Zeph is a really good shaman and loves the PvP. Hes not afraid to assume command when leadership is lacking and will try his best to win, even in 15 hour AV games that seemingly have no hope or end.

Hes Exhalted in my books Big Grin
Ask me about my shardsac.

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