Valmia 60 Warrior
Hello all!

I'm yet another warrior who's in need of adoption. I need a new home as my old one is rapidly becoming both too small and, lately, vacant due to a (potential) mass migration to the Purge. Then again when your old guild (Babies with Rabies/BwR) was about 10-12 active members it doesn't take much....

If you check my documentation from the vet you will not see 'Asshat' listed as any of her ailments, present or past. You will also find that my warrior is in excellent health:

She is active, alert and friendly and her is appetite good, but not ravenous.
Eyes: Bright and clear and without any discharge.
Ears: Clean, without wax.
Teeth(remaining): Firm and clean; breath free from odor.
Coat: Clean, un-matted, free from skin rashes and parasites. (Except when I go out drinking with Torami; I always seem to come home with something that's burning and/or itching)

I'm intersted in all aspects of the game from PVP/BGs to Instances to Crafting (Armoursmith) and, sadly, find that I've hit a glass ceiling. BwR is an amazing guild (I think that Eobi/Anuksa, Samal/Elindra, Keyota, Dauntak/Tchantos, Torami et al. originating from within it would be proof-positive of that fact) but we simply don't have the manpower to start going 'to the next level'.

Though I haven't had the opportunity as of late to make myself known to many of you I've been aware of you from all the way back at BH. With the stories the guys up above have told, and from what I've seen, the Purge is a group that I'd like to make me new home in. Not because you have the numbers and the ressources but, from all accounts, you're all as depraved and warped as the other people I associate with.

I'll be seeing you around, and for once, making myself be seen.

Violence: It isn't the answer but it does stop all the questions.
Valmia being a BwR would no doubt fit in well with the Purge group. I have also met him in RL (as most BwR peole are all from the same office in Montreal)

As a bonus his name does not start witht eh cursed "Z" it instead is another underused letter!

how can you resist?!
Recruiting is temporaily closed Smile
Certified Raid Boss

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